[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Re: Post PFD fixes

From: Mark Thomas <>
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 19:48:19 +0000

On 14/03/2013 18:16, Danny Coward wrote:
> On 3/12/13 10:35 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 12/03/2013 17:06, Justin Lee wrote:
>>> Isn't that required for certification, though?
>> Only if you want to certify against the web profile and Tomcat doesn't.
>>> Although, the bigger
>>> "problem" is that it creates an implicit dependency on CDI either way.
>>> Which I'm mostly OK with as I'm an injection nut but it does
>>> increase the
>>> scope kinda late in the game.
>> Actually, the bigger problem is that it ties the WebSocket
>> implementation to the container as I explained below.
>> I'd really like to see WebSocket be something you could drop into any
>> Servlet 3.1 container with no other dependencies.
> Yes, me too, although I will point out it was not an explicit goal of
> the JSR.
> Back to the design issue...I did think that it was portable to pick up
> an ServerContainerInitializer from the implementation JAR that can make
> the correct association between the ServerContainer instance and the
> ServletContext instance corresponding to the application. And in that
> way, the association can be made without having to scan any of the
> application WARs at all.
> Is that not the case ?

It is but it relies on SCI processing not being disabled. I was hoping
for a solution that didn't depend on SCI processing or class scanning.
