[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Proposed Final Draft

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 16:47:42 -0700

Hi Joe,
> One question for clarification:
> * Section 5.1: It is not clear what the concurrency restrictions are
> on Session and RemoteEndpoint instances. Can methods be called on
> these concurrently from different threads? For example, async results
> from other threads. Or one Endpoint instance
> using Session.getOpenSessions() to communicate with other RemoteEndpoints.
I think for RemoteEndpoints we've defined the situations where
exceptions get thrown if the RE is busy sending a message when another
thread tries to send another one (in the javadoc). Perhaps we need to
flag that developers calling these from multiple threads will need to
program to avoid that kind of situation ?

For Session, the javadoc says something to ensure that implementations
make sure that the mutable properties don't get messed up if multiple
threads call at the same time (timeouts, developer properties and so on).

> And a suggestion to make it easier to understand:
> * Section 6.4: Can we add something along these lines: "The
> getServerContainer() static method of ServerContainerProvider class
> can be used to obtain an instance of ServletContainer."
Yes, though we might have to fix this API as it is a problem to
implement. But I will update 6.4 with whatever the outcome of that fix is.


- Danny

> Thanks
> -Joe
> On Wed, Mar 6, 2013 at 6:26 PM, Danny Coward <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I've posted the proposed final draft of the specification to the
> usual place and send it over to the JCP PMO.
> Thankyou for your attention, help and expertise ! We have
> accomplished a great deal in a relatively short amount of time.
> I have tagged the PFD of the API here:
> tags/javax.websocket-api-1.0-rc1
> What happens next ?
> A number of us are finalizing our implementations of the API, and
> we (Oracle) are working hard to fill out the TCK. These activities
> may yet throw up some issues that will need to deal with
> (including a possible implementation issue
> <> about the new
> ServerContainer and how to link instances thereof to the
> ServletContext), so please stay tuned for those.
> There is room in the JCP process
> ( to address these as we
> prepare the Final Draft. The JCP process document characterizes
> the kind of issues that can be addressed at this point as those
> where the specification is '"underdefined, incomplete, or
> ambiguous", so we will use our best judgement (in particular with
> respect to the Java EE schedule) to be very conservative in our
> approach to any spec changes after this point, should any requests
> come up.
> Thanks and stay tuned,
> - Danny
> --
> <> *Danny Coward *
> Java EE
> Oracle Corporation

<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation