[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Automatic deployment clarification

From: Mark Thomas <>
Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2013 11:06:17 +0000

I think it would help if section 6.2 clarified exactly what the SCI is
expected to scan for. My understanding is that the list is:
- Implementations of ServerApplicationConfig
- Classes annotated with ServerEndpoint
- Implementations of ServerEndpointConfig

As a follow up to this, would it make more sense to pass a set of
ServerEndpointConfig instances to the ServerApplicationConfig instances?

The reason for raising this is that I originally thought that the SCI
needed to scan for Endpoint implementations but I quickly came to the
conclusion that this was incorrect since there is no way to identify the
path to use in order to create the necessary ServerEndpointConfig if no
ServerApplicationConfigs are defined.

I do wonder if I have understood this last bit correctly. An alternative
option would be to scan for implementations of ServerEndpointConfig and
Endpoint passing the endpoints to the ServerApplicationConfig instances
if any are found and using the ServerEndpointConfigs if no
ServerApplicationConfig are present but that seems a little to
complicated not to be mention explicitly in the spec since it would be
rather unexpected for users.
