[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] client vs server api, standalone TCK

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2013 16:16:38 -0800

Hi folks,

I'm replying to two issues in one email....

So here's how I am seeing it:-

1) Client only: the spec defines the client API, which is everything in
the javax.websocket.* package, but NOT javax.websocket.server.*. We'll
have TCK tests just for that. The profile is for rich clients. I'm sure
the JavaFX ME and SE folks will be looking at it for some future version
as are projects like .

2) As part of Java EE

We're putting the server APIs (javax.websocket.* and
javax.websocket.server.*) into Java EE 7. So the spec has been careful
to separate the requirements on websockets in Java EE for the people who
are working on:-

3) Standalone server

I'm assuming there's at least one of you who wants to support websockets
(javax.websocket.* and javax.websocket.server.*) just running on the
servlet container, not with all the other Java EE stuff. So we're
working on the standalone TCK for you.

Does that clear it up ?

- Danny

from Justin
> I'm talking to Henrik Stahl here at Jfokus and he was asking about
> whether the spec allows implementors to provide only the client or the
> server API and still be compliant. He's looking for feasibility of
> including clients into the SE and ME products. As I read it now, the
> spec implicitly requires both client and server in order to be a
> compliant implementation. Is it possible at this point to include
> language that allows for either/or for those implementors who don't
> care about one end or the other?

from Bill:

Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I wanted to clarify if
there is going to be a separate stand-alone TCK for this spec, as oppose
to rolling the TCK into the EE7 CTS.

<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation