[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Header Representation

From: Mark Thomas <>
Date: Mon, 04 Feb 2013 10:46:29 +0000

On 04/02/2013 02:51, Danny Coward wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Another quickie here: we had a suggestion to use the MultiValuedMap from
> JAX-RS to represent Http Headers in our Handshake Request/Response
> which also models headers as Map<String, List<String>> (as does good old
> HttpURLConnection), but contains a few useful utility methods.
> I know this is a bit of an unsolved mystery which the JDK ought to solve
> better by now, but what are folks' thoughts on
> a) relying on a JAX-RS API and gaining some useful utility methods

I don't think those few utility methods are anywhere near useful enough
to add a dependency on the JAX-RS API to the WebSocket implementation.

> b) Providing some easy utility methods for parsing common websocket
> headers (like extensions ?)

Isn't that an implementation concern rather than a user concern?

> c) Leaving it as it is for now.
> The default is to leave it as it is.

I'd be fine with that.
