[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Controlling endpoint instance creation was: Two outstanding issues...

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 11:58:39 -0800

OK glad Joe likes it.
>> Specifically, add to ServerEndpointConfigurator
>> /** (something like) This method is called by the container when it
>> needs a new
>> ** instance of the endpoint this configurator configures. Developers
>> ** may override this method to control instantiation of
>> ** endpoint instances in order to customize the initialization
>> ** of the endpoint instance, or manage them in some other way.
>> ** If the developer overrides this method, services like
>> ** dependency injection that are otherwise supported
>> ** may not be available.
>> */
>> public Object createEndpoint() throws InstantiationException;
>> Works equally well for programmatic endpoints and annotated endpoints,
>> and fits with the existing configuration scheme.
> The name createEndpoint() suggests a new object is created every time.
> Maybe change it?
> I'd like to see something along the following lines in the Javadoc:
> The default implementation will return a new object on every call.
> Other implementations may return the same object for multiple calls or
> have some other strategy for determing if object a reused or a new
> object created.
That's a good point and we will need to put in something like this. But
I think in addition we need to cover *when* the container calls the
method (whether the implementation is developer provided or container
provided) in addition to what the default implementation returns when it
is called.

I'm thinking the we should define that the container calls this method
for every new client connection and the default implementation of the
method provided by the container returns a new instance each time it is
called. Those folks wanting a singleton model would return the same,
single instance each time.

That would cover both the modes we have ever talked about in the expert

The only other possible deployment mode I can think of is one where a
new instance of the endpoint is created every time a new event or
message is received (from any client). A sort of stateless websocket.
This would require the container to call the factory method on any event
on any connection to the logical endpoint.

However, I don't think that deployment mode is useful for websocket
endpoints: the websocket endpoint has a defined lifecycle per client,
any endpoint of interest will have some state across its lifecycle.
Asking developers to manage that state across a new instance per
interaction doesn't seem like a good model for websocket programming.

So: I;d propose: the container calls it on every new client connection,
the default implementation creates a new instance each time.

OK ?

- Danny

> Mark

<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation