[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: More more programmatic deployment

From: Rossen Stoyanchev <>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 02:09:11 -0800 (PST)

From previous discussions, the following expressed requirements are missing from the list:

5) avoid use of Servlet-specific mechanisms
6) easy integration through application-specific, Servlet container lifecycle points (i.e. ServletContextListener, ServletContextInitializer, etc.)
7) prefer Java over XML

The current deployment options for WebSocket endpoints are entirely disconnected from Servlet application initialization. There is no way to access the ServletContext, nor to have a single place to decide what Servlet, Filter, or WebSocket endpoint types should be deployed. Although this spec is independent from the Servlet spec, aren't Servlet developers the primary target audience of this spec? It would make sense that we aim to provide mechanisms easy to combine with what existing applications know and use?

At the same time, the use proposed use of web.xml only covers Servlet container implementations.

I think we can all agree on preferring Java over XML :)


----- Original Message -----

> From: "Danny Coward" <>
> To:
> Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 7:42:49 PM
> Subject: [jsr356-experts] More more programmatic deployment

> Hi folks,

> I took some time looking over the existing mechanism:
> ServerApplicationConfiguration, and over the older requirements
> (below) we had on this when we first reworked the deployment APIs
> before Christmas. Including our long exploration into the mysteries
> of the SCI :)

> I've also added the 'programmatic deployment' case we've been talking
> about lately (3) and requirement (4) that I think we agree on, both
> of which the old deploy() method used to satisfy (perhaps rather too
> generally!).

> So, looking at all our deployment scenarios including this
> 'programmatic one', here I think is the sum total of server
> deployment requirements:-

> 1) we want annotation deployment to be simple when its simple (e.g.
> pick up all the annotated endpoints in my WAR, no special config !)
> 2) we want to leverage the servlet scanning mechanism when its active
> (easier controlled deployment of annotated endpoints and
> programmatic endpoints)
> 3) we want to precisely control which endpoints get deployed when
> scanning is turned off (using the absolute ordering element in the
> web.xml).
> 4) we want deployment to happen only at application initialization
> time

> I'll add my own: I'd like there to be just one mechanism for this
> version.

> The benefits of the ServerApplicationConfiguration callback are that
> automatically enforces the restriction in 4) since the container
> makes the callback (I believe this is clear in its definition, to
> Rossen's point). It also provides the developer the bootstrap into
> the container: there's no need to locate the *Container object to do
> the deployment. It fits well with the SCI scheme. Right now though
> it can only itself be picked up when a scan happens, so it cannot
> satisfy 3).

> To satisfy (3) I think all we need is two additions to augment the
> existing scheme:

> a) a way to pick up ServerApplicationConfiguration without a scan.
> I'd suggest using ServletContext init params which the
> implementation can pick up without any scan using a
> ServletContainerInitializer registered in the META-INF/services of
> the implementation (Mark, my understanding is that this addresses
> the scanning point you made?). Rossen to your point, although not
> consistent with the Servlet API, it is with JAX-RS.

> b) call the methods
> ServerApplicationConfiguration.getEndpointConfigurations(), and
> ServerApplicationConfiguration.getEndpointConfigurations() with null
> when no scan is made so the ServerApplicationConfiguration can
> distinguish between the scanned (non-null Set) and non-scanned case
> (null).

> In contrast, to go the full programmatic route we'd need:-

> i) two new methods deploy methods on WebSocketContainer, pretty much
> as Mark laid out:
> public void deploy(Class<?> annotated) throws IllegalStateException
> (if called at the wrong time)
> public void deploy(Class<Endpoint> programmatic,
> ServerEndpointConfiguration sec) throws IllegalStateException (if
> called at the wrong time)

> ii) a refactoring to a server-side container ServerWebSocketContainer
> to house the server-side only deploy() methods

> iii) an new entry point to access to ServerWebSocketContainer at
> application deployment time, Mark had suggested the static
> ServerWebSocketContainer.getContainer() as a hook to the container,
> but the developer would still need some form of callback (with no
> scan for ServletContextListeners) to call it at the right time.

> iv) in addition to the the existing scan based APIs and spec.

> When I look at all the scenarios, evolving the API we have does seem
> a lot simpler...provided what I wrote works: i.e. that it addresses
> the concern about locating the ServerApplicationConfiguration
> without a scan.

> - Danny

> --

> Danny Coward
> Java EE
> Oracle Corporation