[jsr356-users] Websocket problem

From: Mahesh Gosemath <>
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2013 00:24:05 +0530


I'm working on JSR-356 Java Web Socket.
I came across some unexpected behavior while Web Socket implementation.

The socket is connected properly but doesn't respond as expected.
In the image when I click on Roll button the notification of data sent is
displayed but takes too long for the response to be received.
Instead of sending response after every request it buffers the response and
sends it collectively.

Also if one more client it added then the socket connection disconnects

I tried disabling the Roll button after click and enabling it after
response is received to prevent server from jamming it worked but the
response time is too long it took almost 3-4 minutes.

I tried websocket on GlassFish version 4 build 68 and 72.

Please help me solving the problem.

Mahesh Vijay Gosemath