[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Annotation renames

From: Joe Walnes <>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 06:06:55 -0600

I'm on the fence on this one....

In general, I like shorter names, and avoiding duplication.

But... the only problem is that many developers don't even think about
import statements any more, as the IDE does it automatically and often
hides them from you. If you ignore the import statements, there's little
clue that the After class has anything to do with WebSockets.

Maybe just using the 'WebSocket' to the top level Endpoint annotations
would be enough of a clue? But then that's inconsistent. Hmmm. I'll get
back on the fence.


On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 7:03 PM, Danny Coward <>wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I've had a good look at our annotation naming in the API, and have some
> proposals to make it more consistent and clear.
> In general we are not prefixing WebSocket* to our classnames, yet we do so
> to the annotations. I think this is somewhat inconsistent - and also makes
> the annotation names long ! We also use @WebSocketEndpoint for server
> endpoints, and @WebSocketClient for client endpoints, so 'endpoint/client'
> naming pair. In the API 'endpoint' is used both for client and server
> endpoints, and 'client/server' naming to distinguish the two kinds when we
> need to - another inconsistency between the classes and annotations, and
> one that I've noticed new users of the annotations have been confused about.
> So for the class-level annotations, I'd like to propose the following
> renames
> @WebSocketEndpoint -> @ServerEndpoint
> @WebSocketClient -> @ClientEndpoint
> For the method level websocket lifecycle annotations, I'd like to remove
> the WebSocket* prefix, and leverage the 'onXXX' nomenclature both of our
> own Endpoint API, and also the w3c javascript API. So
> @WebSocketOpen -> @OnOpen
> @WebSocketMessage -> @OnMessage
> @WebSocketError -> @OnError
> @WebSocketClose -> @OnClose
> and finally,
> @WebSocketPathParam -> @PathParam
> all the annotation attribute names would remain the same.
> Explicitly, here's an example before/after
> import javax.websocket.server.*;
> import javax.websocket.*;
> @WebSocketEndpoint("/foo/{level}")
> public class Before {
> @WebSocketOpen
> public void init(Session s, EndpointConfiguration ec) {}
> @WebSocketMessage
> public void handle(String s, @WebSocketPathParam("level") String
> level) {}
> @WebSocketError
> public void handleError(Throwable t) {}
> @WebSocketClose
> public void bye(Session s) {}
> }
> import javax.websocket.server.*;
> import javax.websocket.*;
> @ServerEndpont("/foo/{level}")
> public class After {
> @OnOpen
> public void init(Session s, EndpointConfiguration ec) {}
> @OnMessage
> public void handle(String s, @PathParam("level") String level) {}
> @OnError
> public void handleError(Throwable t) {}
> @OnClose
> public void bye(Session s) {}
> }
> --
> <> * Danny Coward *
> Java EE
> Oracle Corporation