[jsr356-users] Re: [adopt-a-jsr], Reveal the power of WebSocket, JSON APIs & HTML5 session

From: Mohamed Taman <>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2013 14:37:17 +0200

Dear All,

Thanks dears for such interesting. It was very interesting to join such a
community of professionals and have the opportunity to change the future of
JEE development. This also taught me allot. Really thank.

Dear Badr there are no words I could say to describe my appreciation of
your help and support, and really I am glad to be under MoroccoJUG umbrella

The presentation and the final project will be shared once finished.

On Tue, Feb 19, 2013 at 1:35 PM, Badr ELHOUARI <>wrote:

> Hi Mohamed,
> Impressive session and thanks for all your adopting effort! We are really
> happy and proud for having you as an active member in MoroccoJUG "adopt a
> jsr" team.
> Wish you good luck fir your jdc session! And don't hesitate if you need
> anything
> B.Regards
> Badr
> On Feb 19, 2013 10:56 AM, "Mohamed Taman" <>
> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> Hope this mail finds you well.
>> I would like to share the following news with the community.
>> It will be the first session titled (*, Reveal the power of
>> WebSocket, JSON APIs & HTML5.*) which will introduce the new websocket
>> and JSON JSRs, and it will be in Middle East and Africa JDC conference
>> coming 9th of March, 2013, that will be held in Cairo, Egypt.
>> In this session I will introduce the Websocket API JSR 356 co-operated
>> with JSON Processing API JSR 353 which will be part of the next release of
>> JEE7, with a powerful final project that demonstrate the power of each JSRs
>> and HTML 5 Websocket , Geolocation, Worker and Local Storage API.
>> The agenda could be found here
>> As I am adopting those JSRs and they are powerful, I would like to
>> evangelist them to the MEA community here.
>> So I will begin with introduction to JEE7 main aim and new introduced
>> JSRs and how it will be more modular and time to market the development of
>> web applications with JEE7. After focus on the 2 main JSRs that WebSocket
>> and JSON API, by first comparing the previews web technologies ajax,
>> request – response model and comet framework with Websocket in Why question?
>> Then after getting the Idea, I will begin exploring the Websocket API,
>> cooperated with code examples that show how it easy to build endpoint, and
>> connect it with HTML5 websocket API, Then the JSON API.
>> The final project will be "real time race champion", which I will use the
>> Glassfish 4 and JSR 353(JSON) and 356(WSt), and HTML5 Websocket, Local
>> Storage, web workers, forms and geolocation APIs. And finally how to unit
>> test the implementation.
>> *I will share the presentation and the final project once finished if
>> the community interested.*
>> Any suggestions or idea you are welcome.
>> Thanks & Best Regards
>> “*I**mprove your **Life** through Science and **Art**…”*
>> Mohamed Mahmoud Taman
>> *Business **Solutions,*
>> *Systems Architect & Design Supervisor*
>> *Java Team Leader*
>> | **
>> |Oracle Egypt Architects Club board member
>> | JavaOne & EG-JDC Speaker
>> *P** **Before you print Think about Your ENVIRONMENTAL responsibility.*

Thanks & Best Regards
“*I**mprove your **Life** through Science and **Art**…”*
Mohamed Mahmoud Taman
*Business **Solutions,*
*Systems Architect & Design Supervisor*
*Java Team Leader*
| JCP (Java Community Process) Member<>
|Oracle Egypt Architects Club board member
| JavaOne & EG-JDC Speaker
e-finance,BLDG17, Smart Village,
KM 28 Cairo-Alex Desert Road,
Ground Floor, Giza, Egypt
*Postal Code :* 12577
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*P** **Before you print Think about Your ENVIRONMENTAL responsibility.***