[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Re: Pot Pourri of issues from Public Draft

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2013 00:09:57 -0500

Yeah, I'm an idiot on this. The whole annotation thing completely slipped
past me. Of *course* it has be the class def. please disregard. and
forget. ;)

The IllegalStateException works for me. Largely on checked vs runtime
grounds but your other reasoning sounds good, too.

On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 6:23 PM, Danny Coward <>wrote:

> Hi Justin,
> Thanks for looking these over - couple things inline...
> On 1/19/13 8:39 AM, Justin Lee wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 8:23 PM, Danny Coward <>wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> We have many issues to resolve, so I picked a collection to get things
>> started. As usual, I have outlined an approach for each issue to keep
>> things moving, so if you have other options or suggestions to add, please
>> chime in.
>> * Consider requiring authentication schemes to be supported on the client
>> container
>> I think BASIC and DIGEST are probably the most common. I think this is a
>> good idea, but I am wary of trying to come up with this in a short period
>> of time for the first version. Given that developers can intercept and
>> modify the handshake request (see below) and inspect the handshake
>> response, they have the ability to build http-based authentication schemes
>> on top of the API without any changes. So I'd suggest we defer requiring
>> client containers to support any particular authentication schemes until
>> the next release.
> Agreed. The hybi list spents weeks on this without any meaningful
> resolution that I could see. No need to rush it when existing solutions
> will work.
>> * Allow annotated client endpoints to intercept handshake (as well as
>> programmatic ones)
>> Currently we have a scheme whereby programmatic client endpoint can
>> override the default configuration (for example, to intercept the opening
>> handshake). But there isn't a way to allow annotated client endpoints to do
>> the same thing. Since server endpoints of both kinds can do this, and given
>> developers may want to plug in authentication schemes or other
>> header-manipulating code into client POJOs, I think we should allow this by
>> (based on the current scheme) adding an optional configuration() attribute
>> to @WebSocketClient.
> Would it be a class parameter passed to the annotation? My fear about
> passing in class references and having the framework instantiate them is
> that it precludes the use of injection frameworks like guice/CDI to wire up
> those dependencies without some gymnastics inside the class's initializers
> to find the injection context and force that wiring explicitly.
> We are using classes for various developer-provided things in the API -
> especially in the annotations - configuration on @WebSocketEndpoint, and of
> course the Encoder and Decoder classes.
> When you talk about use of injection frameworks, I think what we allow for
> is the websocket implementation to delegate instance creation to other
> frameworks. For example, in the EE setting, to delegate endpoint instance
> creation to CDI so that EE things can be injected into endpoints. Is this
> what you had in mind ?
> But using classes for a variety of things:
> configuration/encoders/decoders/applicationconfig we do preclude the
> application developer from creating instances of those things themselves,
> using their own favorite framework. I don't know how we'd do that, since we
> can't reference instances of things from annotations.
>> * Allow Java primitives and class equivalents as message parameters for
>> @WebSocketMessage methods.
>> Currently, you are allowed to annotate methods that offer a String,
>> ByteBuffer, byte[] or custom developer object (with decoder) parameter for
>> whole message processing or (String,boolean), (ByteBuffer, boolean) and
>> (byte[], boolean) parameters for partial message processing. The request is
>> to allow methods that offer Java primitives for message processing.
>> Since all of the classes Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double,
>> Boolean have unambiguous mappings from String via their single argument
>> String constructors, I think this would be a nice addition to allow this
>> for processing text messages. Character has one string parameter
>> constructor, but of course String.toCharArray() is unambiguous enough for
>> strings of length 1, so that could be included for completeness. Any
>> failure to decode an incoming message to its primitive/class equivalent,
>> according to those mapping would generate a DecodeException, in exactly the
>> same way as happens for incoming messages that the runtime is trying to map
>> to a custom developer object.
>> I don't see an unambiguous way to map binary data to Java primitive
>> types, so I'm suggesting we make this work only for text messages.
>> * Lifecycle of Decoders/Encoders
>> Currently the specification leaves it open to implementations as to when
>> they instantiate Encoders and Decoders for incoming and outgoing messages.
>> We could leave this up to the implementations, but it would be better to
>> define it since they are supposed to be portable. There are clearly a
>> number of choices here, but I do think we should guarantee that no single
>> instance of an Encoder or Decoder object is shared between different
>> connections. What are other people's thoughts ?
> See my comments above about passing classes around. I'm ok making that
> requirement clear in the docs.
>> * Calling methods on closed Sessions / Making Session Closeable
>> Once a websocket session has closed, it is possible that code will still
>> reference the instance and (inadvertently?) call methods on it. In such
>> situations, I think the methods should throw IllegalStateException because
>> the session is closed and its data and operations are now meaningless.
> The JDK throws IOException in that case (or some subclass). We might
> consider following that example for consistency's sake.
> For for this case, my thinking was that once the Session is closed
> developers really should not even be still using it. The same session can't
> be reopened, and the container probably wants to recycle it or forget it.
> So I was looking for an appropriate runtime exception. If we used a checked
> exception, it would be saying its reasonable to write code that calls
> sessions after they are invalid, and that developers always have to code
> with an error handing block in case. Whereas, they just shouldn't even get
> here.
> IllegalStateException seemed to fit that bill (
> and is also consistent with what HttpSession does after its been
> invalidated.
>> Secondly, since Session already has a close() method, we could make it
>> implement, and hence it would then be possible to use it
>> in a JDK 7 try-with-resources block. I think this is a good idea too.
> big +1
> Yes, and I think this is one of those things that 'shows well' too !
> - Danny
>> * Extension parameter ordering
>> Currently the API models extension parameters as Map<String, String>, yet
>> the parameters have an order in the http headers. While this order doesn't
>> have a meaning in the websocket protocol specification, both the MUX and
>> Compression extensions attach semantic meaning to specific parameters, so
>> it is perfectly possible that some new extension might attach semantic
>> meaning to their order. So, I think our API needs to preserve them. I
>> suggest we model extension parameters as List<Parameter> where Parameter is
>> a member type of Extension, and contains the parameter name and value as
>> Strings.
> I don't think header ordering matters anywhere in any common protocols.
> I don't think we should bend over backwards making this a requirement
> outside of something forcing us to. I'd be really, really surprised if any
> extensions make it out of specification with that requirement. Even HTTP
> only specifies the first 2ish headings and that's merely to aid in protocol
> identification. I'm a -1 on this one.
>> * Number of instances of client container / server container
>> Currently these are both modeled using the class WebSocketContainer. This
>> relates to two requests:
>> 1) To allow the client developer to instantiate client container
>> instances at will, so that he can use different instances with different
>> property values, such as async send timeout or maximum message sizes. This
>> seems like a reasonable thing to accommodate.
> Absolutely. Consider a proxying websocket application trying to talk to
> two different servers for whatever reason.
>> 2) To use a one instance of the server container WebSocketContainer per
>> application per VM instead of the current one instance per VM for all
>> applications. I think this is reasonable too - exactly matches the
>> cardinality of the ServletContext for web components.
> +1
>> --
>> <> * Danny Coward *
>> Java EE
>> Oracle Corporation
> --
> You can find me on the net at:
> --
> <> * Danny Coward *
> Java EE
> Oracle Corporation

You can find me on the net at: