[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: API and spec niggles

From: Mark Thomas <>
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2012 20:05:38 +0000

On 01/12/2012 18:05, Mark Thomas wrote:
> I have noticed the following while working on an implementation of the
> the latest draft:
> 1. 4.4-4.6 state that @WebSocketPathParam must be Strings. 4.3 has a
> slightly wider choice of types. I assume the wider choice is the
> intended behaviour.
> 2. I found myself writing the following a few times:
> (ServerEndpointConfiguration) endpoint.getEndpointConfiguration()
> Is there a simple way we can remove the need for this cast? (I can see
> some more complex refactoring options)
> 3. Do we want to define some constants in the API such as WebSocket
> handshake HTTP header names and values?

4. Section 4.5. There should probably be a way to pass the CloseReason
as well.
