[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Tweaks to EndpointConfiguration and endpoint creation

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2012 14:48:42 -0800

Hi folks,

For a few reasons that have come up over the last couple weeks: the
change to one Endpoint instance per peer, Scott's suggestion that
developers be able to customize the creation of (server-side) endpoint
instances so they can share state (like an open database connection),
and an older requirement to be able to customize the handshake
HttpRequest and HttpResponse, I'm proposing some smallish changes to the
Endpoint/EndpointConfig and deployment semantics.

1) Introduce a new type so developers can customize the creation of
their endpoints if they need to:-

public interface EndpointFactory {
     // return an instance of an endpoint (Endpoint or POJO) when the
    // needs a new instance because a new peer is connecting
      Object createEndpoint();

2) Reverse the ownership Endpoint <-> EndpointConfiguration because
there should be only one config instance for all the endpoint instances,
and work the endpoint factory into the API:-
a) Remove getEndpointConfiguration() from Endpoint,
b) Add ServerEndpointConfiguration -> public EndpointFactory
getEndpointFactory(), default implementation returns a factory that uses
the no arg constructor of the Endpoint class.
c) Add an attribute Class<? extends EndpointFactory> factory() to
@WebSocketEndpoint so that POJOs can declare an EndpointFactory.

3) Rework the server deployment mechanism to take an
EndpointConfiguration instead of an Endpoint class (for programmatic

4) Add the ability to intercept the client side of the opening handshake
(e.g. to insert or read custom headers).
a) Add public void beforeRequest(HandshakeRequest request) and public
void afterResponse(HandshakeResponse response) to
ClientEndpointConfiguration. The implementation calls these new methods
before the handshake request is sent and after the handshake response is
received but before the connection is opened, respectively. The
developer may subclass ClientEndpointConfiguration in order to customize
the default implementations which do nothing

Let me know if you see any issues with these changes.


- Danny
<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation