[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Summary of Open Issues

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 14:59:02 -0800

Hi folks,

Here's a list of issues that are still open that I need a little more
feedback on:-

* Web Socket Sessions / HttpSessions / Distributed Containers

There are two issues: one regarding the overall relationships between
the two. We seem to be settling on the developer coding this themselves,
but I have a concern about situations where the container should close
web sockets that require authorization if the HttpSession is being used
to carry authenticated state. See the recent thread on "WebSocket

the second issue is how the distributed container manages web socket
sessions. See, here:-

* Multiple MessageHandlers, Encoders and predendence

There seem to be two options: allow the container to do multiplexing on
incoming messages based on configured Encoders, or not. See for example
my attempted summary here:-

I may be alone in this group in my wish for multiplexing :)

* Client API and Annotations

There seems to be a strong desire to include the client API in version
1, including client annotations. See this discussion.


- Danny
<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation