[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Bootstrapping Web Socket Applications in different places

From: Scott Ferguson <>
Date: Wed, 07 Nov 2012 19:22:34 -0800

On 11/7/12 5:59 PM, Danny Coward wrote:
> Hello experts,
> Close students of the EDR spec will see that this is how the
> application is bootstrapped:-
> A) In the web container, POJOs and programmatic endpoints are packaged
> in the WAR
> i) The implementation scans the WAR for annotated POJOs and deploys
> them when the WAR is deployed
> ii) For programmatic endpoints, the application developer has to
> bootstrap the application 'by hand': by configuring an entry point
> (like ServletContainerInitializer), and using the API
> ContainerProvider.getServerContainer().publishServer(endpoint,
> endpointconfiguration).
> B) In the standalone cases: standalone server, and standalone client,
> the developer has to bootstrap the application in main() using
> ContainerProvider.getServerContainer() or
> ContainerProvider.getClientContainer() to get the appropriate
> reference to the web socket container, from which he can
> publishServer() or connectToServer().
> I'd propose a couple things to improve this, both as a convenience for
> developers, and to unhook the API-implementation dependency implied by
> the ContainerProvider API class:-
> 1) Require the websocket enabled web container scan for programmatic
> endpoints in the WAR file and deploy them on startup. This would
> require an API change to allow the Endpoint to supply its own
> Configuration object: specifically add public EndpointConfiguration
> getEndpointConfiguration() to Endpoint.

I'm not sure I understand the difference between (1) and (A.i). Is (1) a
similar WAR scanning to (A.i) but looking for "extends Endpoint" instead
of "@WebSocketEndpoint"?

I have a counter-proposal :) It may be a bit too radical.

Suppose we support only the POJO model and remove
Endpoint/MessageHandler entirely. When an application calls
ClientContainer.connectToServer or ServerContainer.publishServer, it
passes a POJO class (or instance) that's introspected for the annotations.

The advantage is that it unifies endpoint to one programming model (for
example it avoids the need to scan for Endpoint and simplifies the spec

The disadvantage is that it seems radical to me. I'm not sure why I
think that though.

> 2) Remove the ContainerProvider API and use the Java SE standard
> ServiceLoader mechanism instead:

That would be an unusual change. JCache, for example, has a
javax.cache.Caching class that's like the current ContainerProvider. It
uses ServiceLoader internally, but doesn't ask the application to use
ServiceLoader itself. I'm pretty sure the new CDI draft added a similar
CDI class. The Caching/CDI/ContainerProvider model is pretty much used
everywhere else in the Java specs that I've worked with.

-- Scott

> As usual I'd welcome your thoughts and suggestions on this approach.
> Cheers,
> - Danny
> --
> <> *Danny Coward *
> Java EE
> Oracle Corporation