[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Some API suggestions from EDR

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 18:15:58 -0700

Hello experts,

Here's a list of API suggestions from the EDR to get things going, from
larger to smaller. Let me know what you think - I've put my own thoughts
on each.

A) Consolidate MessageHandlers (Issue

Currently we have MessageHandler.Text, MessageHandler.Binary,
MessageHandler.AsyncText, MessageHandler.AsyncBinary,
MessageHandler.BinaryStream, MessageHandler.CharStream,
MessageHandler.DecodedObject and MessageHandler.Pong.

The same functionality could be consolidated into two handler interfaces
instead, for example:

     void onMessage(T message)

with allowable types T of String, ByteBuffer, InputStream, Reader,
Object, and a new interface PongMessage, and

     void onMessage(T partialMessage, boolean isLast)

with allowable types String, ByteBuffer.

IMO: Some type of consolidation seems cleaner to me, and also a little
simpler to extend to other types in the future.

B) Add getURI() to ClientConfiguration

IMO: This I think is an oversight. Implementations need this, otherwise
they don't know where to connect the client endpoint to.

C) Add checked exceptions to ClientContainer.connectToServer and
ServerContainer.publishServer methods.

For example, a new ConnectException, thrown in the case when the connect
or publish fails.

IMO: This makes sense to me.

D) API fixes - as reported by Mark during implementation.

Here's a long list of smaller API nits,

1. DecodeException / EncodeException
Parameter ordering is inconsistent
(ByteBuffer, String) vs. (String, Object)

IMO: Should be consistent - will change ordering on EncodeException to
match pattern on DecodeException unless I hear otherwise.

2. DefaultClientConfiguration
getExtensions() returns null
setExtensions() has a parameter of preferredExtensions
(should probably be extensions)

IMO: will fix unless I hear otherwise.

3. CloseReason
No accessor for closeCode
No accessor for reasonPhrase

IMO: An oversight, will add unless I hear otherwise.

4. Methods in public interfaces do not themselves need to be declared
public. (style issue / choice)

IMO: Will defer to majority here, but I prefer public declaration.

5. Endpoint
Parameter ordering is inconsistent
onClose(Session, CloseReason) vs. onError(Throwable, Session)
Parameter naming is inconsistent s vs. session

IMO: Will make consistent, Session as last parameter unless I hear

6. Generics
API uses raw types in a few places.

IMO: Will fix unless I hear otherwise.

7. Session

IMO: oops, will fix unless I hear otherwise.


- Danny

<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation