[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Implementation niggles

From: Mark Thomas <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2012 13:37:36 +0100

On 12/10/2012 12:16, Mark Thomas wrote:
> I have started to add the EDR / v6 API to Tomcat trunk and have noticed
> the following niggles. Most of them relate to the API, some of them are
> specific to the RI.
> 1. DecodeException / EncodeException
> Parameter ordering is inconsistent
> (ByteBuffer, String) vs. (String, Object)
> 2. DefaultClientConfiguration
> getExtensions() returns null
> setExtensions() has a parameter of preferredExtensions
> (should probably be extensions)
> 3. CloseReason
> No accessor for closeCode
> No accessor for reasonPhrase
> 4. Methods in public interfaces do not themselves need to be declared
> public. (style issue / choice)
> 5. Endpoint
> Parameter ordering is inconsistent
> onClose(Session, CloseReason) vs. onError(Throwable, Session)
> Parameter naming is inconsistent s vs. session
> 6. Generics
> API uses raw types in a few places.
> My next step is to migrate Tomcat's current WebSocket implementation to
> Servlet 3.1 upgrade and this API. I'll provide more feedback as I come
> across things.
> Mark

7. Session
