[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Re: Streaming Options

From: <>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2012 08:25:16 -0500

Looking at the other services API, it looks like at the minimum we need
To implement option # 1 and option # 3c

Where we need synch and asynchronous support. Option #2 seems
To be good but looks complex as the main thread have to be blocked
Until the whole message comes back. I would go with option #2
If we are reading big blog data.

It would be good to extend as some people like the data read byte
By byte for better performance.


On Jul 12, 2012, at 9:23 PM, Joe Walnes <> wrote:

> I'm also a fan of 3B with 1 layered on top for convenience.
> On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 6:46 PM, Danny Coward <> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I'm going try to to reduce the thread on the various options on the streaming apis we've chewed on over the last week into three options. I *think* everyone agrees that applications should listen for incoming messages, rather than block until one arrives. Right ? So I think that leaves us with these three modes (below) for processing messages. (And note that I think we agree that nothing in the API is supposed to dictate anything about how the implementation uses web socket framing underneath.)
> mode
> receive description
> possible receive API
> send description
> possible send API
> 1. "whole messages"
> listen for incoming messages, get message all at once onMessage(String string)
> onMessage(byte[] bytes)
> send whole messages send(String string)
> send(byte[] bytes)
> 2. "blocking read/writes"
> listen for incoming messages, read message from stream using blocking calls onMessage(InputStream is) { ... byte b =; ...}
> onMessage(Reader r) { ... int c =; ... }
> open send stream, blocking writes to the stream OutputStream getSendStream()
> Writer getSendWriter()
> 3. "async processing"
> listen for incoming message, receive message from stream asynchronously Option A) onMessage(AsynchronousByteChannel abc) {, attachment, completionhandler) }
> Option B) 1 or more calls to onMessage(String partialString, boolean isLast) or onMessage(byte[] partialBytes, boolean isLast)
> Option C) servlet 3.1-style special IO streams that allow non-blocking reads.
> initiate outgoing message, message pulled on demand by the stream Option A) AsynchronousByteChannel getAsyncChannel()
> Option B) 1 or more calls to send(String partialString, boolean isLast) or send(byte[] partialBytes, boolean isLast).
> Option C) servlet 3.1-style special IO streams that allow non-blocking writes.
> So I think in terms of what goes in the JSR API, mode (1) I think is a no-brainer for bread and butter applications, although obviously (1) alone would not be enough. I think Scott made a good case for (2) in terms of making it easy to use other libraries that assume traditional IO. I also think we should expose some form of mode (3), for frameworks that build on the API. I don't think it has to be either 2 or 3: it can be both.
> Of the choices in mode (3), I'd probably go for option A). However, I do think many developers (me at least, but not Greg!) find the NIO APIs awkward, so can see a benefit in the simplicity of option B). The servlet style of specializing the Java IO APIs to allow non-blocking IO seems on the face of it to be overly elaborate for our needs, so I like option (c) least.
> - Danny
> --
> Danny Coward
> Java EE
> Oracle Corporation