[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Summary of Issues based on v002 API

From: Danny Coward <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 16:23:27 -0700

Hi folks,

I thought it was time to send out a summary of where we are, since we've
had a bunch of discussion and issues raised since I sent out the last
API rev:-

Streaming APIs
We know we want something, but haven't decided what form yet. See my
separate email which attempts to lay out the options.

Pings and Pongs
Mark pointed out that these were designed for app developers to use, so
we need to factor that in. See my separate email on that one.

It looks like we need to support this, both from the point of view of
configuring the handshake and adding websocket frame support to allow
extensions to be build on/under the developer API, and we think of
extensions as been transparent/orthogonal to web socket applications.
I'll include handshake support and a frame API in the next proposal.

Threading and the websockets
Joe brought up this subject, which we have to get to at some point. See
separate email on that.

Exposing http request attributes
Thanks to Mark for the pointers to the Apache RFEs. So far I have Http
Headers (covering origin, cookies and more), user principal (if
present), request URI. What else ?

New members
We've been joined by Jean Francois Arcand and Joe Walnes, and shortly
will be joined by Bill Wigger from IBM. Welcome !

- Danny

<> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation