[jsr356-users] [jsr356-experts] Re: Streaming API: was For Review: v002 API and example code

From: Remy Maucherat <>
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 09:45:36 +0200

On Wed, 2012-07-11 at 23:33 +0100, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Fair point. I was coming at this from the direction of the current
> Tomcat WebSocket implementation on top of Servlet 3.0. I need to spend
> some time looking at how the current implementation might change when
> running on Servlet 3.1
> One point to keep in mind is that there are lots of folks that want
> WebSocket now. Given the typical pace of adoption of new specification
> versions, having something that could work on Servlet 3.0 (or possibly
> even earlier) rather than requiring Servlet 3.1 is worth considering.
> OK, HTTP upgrade isn't available but containers could provide a
> container specific extension for that.

I have zero interest in the people who "want websockets now". If they
do, they won't be using the JSR API. Since it is a 1.0 API, it thus has
the opportunity to be the most appropriate for its targeted environment
(that's good), which is EE 7 / Servlet 3.1. Usually, there has to be
some compromises to integrate as well as possible with the previous
version (like the classic Servlet IO has a big influence on the Servlet
3.1 async IO, creating limitations), and this is not well received.

Remy Maucherat <>
Red Hat Inc