
[jsr356-experts] Last refactoring/naming proposal: RemoteEndpoint

From: Danny Coward <danny.coward_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2013 17:03:51 -0800

Hi folks,

I've been sitting on this one for a while. Now that we are close to
finishing v 1.0, its time to bring it out ! It's not really a big
refactoring, but it could have some benefits in clarity and being able
to extend RemoteEndpoint functionality in the future in a more organized

I'm on the fence about it, and would appreciate some other opinions.

The proposal is to divide up the functionality on the RemoteEndpoint
interface into a RemoteEndpoint.Basic interface devoted to synchronous
processing, and a RemoteEndpoint.Async devoted to async processing, and
a common super interface RemoteEndpoint for functions common to both.
Probably the container would use the same object to represent both: its
really a cosmetic change.

Instead of:-

OLD: Session: RemoteEndpoint getRemoteEndpoint(), we would have

NEW: Session: T getRemoteEndpoint(T extends RemoteEndpoint);
So, T could be RemoteEndpoint.Basic or RemoteEndpoint.Async.

Here's a full listing of the NEW API under the proposal, and below that
is the OLD (existing) API.

public interface NewRemoteEndpoint {
     void setBatchingAllowed(boolean allowed) throws IOException;
     boolean getBatchingAllowed();
     void flushBatch() throws IOException;

     public interface Async extends NewRemoteEndpoint {
         long getAsyncSendTimeout();
         void setAsyncSendTimeout(long timeoutmillis);
         void sendStringByCompletion(String text, SendHandler completion);
         Future<SendResult> sendStringByFuture(String text);
         Future<SendResult> sendBytesByFuture(ByteBuffer data);
         void sendBytesByCompletion(ByteBuffer data, SendHandler
         Future<SendResult> sendObjectByFuture(Object o);
         void sendObjectByCompletion(Object o, SendHandler handler);

     public interface Basic extends NewRemoteEndpoint {
         void sendString(String text) throws IOException;
         void sendBytes(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException;
         void sendObject(Object o) throws IOException, EncodeException;
         void sendPartialString(String partialMessage, boolean isLast)
throws IOException;
         void sendPartialBytes(ByteBuffer partialByte, boolean isLast)
throws IOException; // or Iterable<byte[]>
         void sendPing(ByteBuffer applicationData) throws IOException,
         OutputStream getSendStream() throws IOException;
         Writer getSendWriter() throws IOException;

public interface RemoteEndpoint {
     void setBatchingAllowed(boolean allowed) throws IOException;
     boolean getBatchingAllowed();
     void flushBatch() throws IOException;
     long getAsyncSendTimeout();
     void setAsyncSendTimeout(long timeoutmillis);
     void sendString(String text) throws IOException;
     void sendBytes(ByteBuffer data) throws IOException;
     void sendPartialString(String partialMessage, boolean isLast)
throws IOException;
     void sendPartialBytes(ByteBuffer partialByte, boolean isLast)
throws IOException; // or Iterable<byte[]>
     OutputStream getSendStream() throws IOException;
     Writer getSendWriter() throws IOException;
     void sendObject(Object o) throws IOException, EncodeException;
     void sendStringByCompletion(String text, SendHandler completion);
     Future<SendResult> sendStringByFuture(String text);
     Future<SendResult> sendBytesByFuture(ByteBuffer data);
     void sendBytesByCompletion(ByteBuffer data, SendHandler completion);
     Future<SendResult> sendObjectByFuture(Object o);
     void sendObjectByCompletion(Object o, SendHandler handler);
     void sendPing(ByteBuffer applicationData) throws IOException,
     void sendPong(ByteBuffer applicationData) throws IOException,

<http://www.oracle.com> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation