
[jsr356-experts] Post EDR: Back to work

From: Danny Coward <danny.coward_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 18:15:51 -0700

Hello experts,

We have not been active on this list for a while so I thought it was
time to give an general update of where we are and lay out our next steps.

Java EE 7

Some of you may have seen over the last month or so that Oracle has
re-scoped Java EE 7, by delaying some of the new cloud-related work to
Java EE 8. Fortunately or unfortunately for us (!), this means we are
one of the highlights for the Java EE 7 release, and those of you at
JavaOne will have see that it put some of the limelight on what this
group doing. It has meant though that we are going to have to pull in
our schedule somewhat to spring 2013. No so very different from what we
had originally thought, but also not so far away. If you missed the
Java EE 7 re-scope, Linda did a pretty detailed blog about it:
https://blogs.oracle.com/theaquarium/entry/java_ee_7_roadmap .

Early Draft, JavaOne and feedback

Since our Expert Draft was published before JavaOne, we got a lot of
feedback. Some of it by email, some of it in person at the conference,
some of it from your experience implementing it, and some of it from the
Java EE group here at Oracle. I have filed all of it on our issue tracker:-


We will need to go though all the feedback and close the issues: I'll
start that process very soon. If you have not yet provided feedback on
the EDR yourself and you have some to give, please send it soon, before
next Monday. Obviously if you think of something after that, do bring it
up, but I'm trying to get to a point where we have most of it that we
are going to get. I don't expect a lot of external feedback now: the
review period is almost over.

The part of the feedback that is not tracked here is that there does
seem to be a lot of interest and positive feedback on the approach we
are taking. The code samples that illustrate the APIs and annotations
seem to 'show well'. I heard that the websocket related sessions in
general were full at JavaOne and other conferences since, including ones
that focus on JSR 356.


I know that work has started in Tomcat and Jetty. Our own implementation
is here


and work is progressing quickly. Please feel free to take a look. We
hope to track the spec development reasonably closely from now on as we
move forward so we can validate our spec approach as we go along.


- Danny

<http://www.oracle.com> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation