
[jsr356-experts] Re: Some API suggestions from EDR

From: Danny Coward <danny.coward_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:56:47 -0700

Thanks Justin - see inline
> A) Consolidate MessageHandlers (Issue
> Currently we have MessageHandler.Text, MessageHandler.Binary,
> MessageHandler.AsyncText, MessageHandler.AsyncBinary,
> MessageHandler.BinaryStream, MessageHandler.CharStream,
> MessageHandler.DecodedObject and MessageHandler.Pong.
> The same functionality could be consolidated into two handler
> interfaces instead, for example:
> MessageHandler<T>
> void onMessage(T message)
> with allowable types T of String, ByteBuffer, InputStream, Reader,
> Object, and a new interface PongMessage, and
> AsyncMessageHandler<T>
> void onMessage(T partialMessage, boolean isLast)
> with allowable types String, ByteBuffer.
> IMO: Some type of consolidation seems cleaner to me, and also a
> little simpler to extend to other types in the future.
> Internally, how will implementations be able to tell which callback to
> call when a frame arrives if instanceof is no longer an option? I'm
> sure I'm missing something here with this change but it feels like
> we're losing something with this change.
I don't think any information is getting lost in the change: If they
implement MessageHandler<ByteBuffer> we know they want a ByteBuffer, if
they implement MessageHandler<String> we know they want a string, if
they implement MessageHandler<InputStream> etc. If they implement just
MessageHandler<Object> we know we need to find an appropriate encoder.
> 4. Methods in public interfaces do not themselves need to be declared
> public. (style issue / choice)
> IMO: Will defer to majority here, but I prefer public declaration.
> Oracle (née Sun) style guides recommend leaving off the modifiers as
> they're redundant.
My preference stands corrected ! I propose to leave them off.

- Danny

> 5. Endpoint
> Parameter ordering is inconsistent
> onClose(Session, CloseReason) vs. onError(Throwable, Session)
> Parameter naming is inconsistent s vs. session
> IMO: Will make consistent, Session as last parameter unless I hear
> otherwise.
> 6. Generics
> API uses raw types in a few places.
> IMO: Will fix unless I hear otherwise.
> 7. Session
> s/getRemoteL/getRemote/
> IMO: oops, will fix unless I hear otherwise.
> Thanks,
> - Danny
> --
> <http://www.oracle.com> *Danny Coward *
> Java EE
> Oracle Corporation
> --
> You can find me on the net at:
> http://antwerkz.com <http://antwerkz.com/> http://antwerkz.com/+
> http://antwerkz.com/twitter http://antwerkz.com/github

<http://www.oracle.com> 	*Danny Coward *
Java EE
Oracle Corporation