Re: WADL 1.1 release

From: Gerard Davison <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 11:42:58 +0100

The only issue that might be nice to solve is that there is no current
connection between the different nested classes, eg:

public Proxy....
     public class PathSegment1
         public class PathSegment2

You currently have to create:

PathSegment2 seg2 = new PathSegment2("part1","part2");

Instead of being able to do:

PathSegment1 seg1 = new PathSegment1("part1");
PathSegment2 seg2 = seg1.path2("part2");

This would make it prettier to use in a few cases; but not critical,


On 23/08/2011 09:40, Pavel Bucek wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to release wadl 1.1 at the end of August (or start of
> September). Does anyone has some outstanding issue which could be
> fixed in that timeframe or any other related comments/suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Pavel

Gerard Davison | Senior Principal Software Engineer | +44 118 924 5095
Oracle JDeveloper Web Service, Spring, Weblogic SCA Tooling Development
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