List parameters...

From: Jorge L Williams <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 16:47:13 -0600

Okay here's another newbie question:

I'm in a situation where I can retrieve a list of widgets like this...


each widget I want in the list is separated by a semicolon. I'm not
exactly sure how to express this in my WADL. If I understand the URI
template draft correctly it seems that I should be expressing my resource
like this...

<resource path="widgets/{-list|;|widget}">

Then my request like this...

          <param name="widget" style="template" type="xsd:string" />

This doesn't seem to do the trick. I've experimented with the "repeating"
attribute but that doesn't work either. Are list parameters not
supported? Am I doing something wrong?


jOrGe W.