
Re: Proposal: ELProcessor

From: Jason Porter <lightguard.jp_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 15:40:21 -0700

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 16:41, Kin-man Chung <Kin-Man.Chung_at_sun.com> wrote:
> From the discussions we;ve had so far, it has been clear that we need a
> simpler API for getting an ExpressionFactory and ELContext, outside of JSP
> or
> JSF.  We'll need an object to setup a defualt for ELContext
> ELResolvers, etc.  I'll call it ELProcessor, because it also can be
> used to simplify EL parsing and evaluations.
> Here's my tentative proposal.  I'm trying to keep it simple and use
> a design that seems to fit in the current EL.  Therefore there are no
> CDI extensions, or listeners.  :-)
> Use example:
>    ELProcessor elp = new ELProcessor();
>    boolean t = elp.getValue("${'2 > 1'}", Boolean.class);

I really like how simple that is. +1

> An alternative is to make ELProcessor an interface instead of a
> concrete class, and use a ELFactory to create an instance of
> ELProcessor, as suggested by Pete in one of his mails.
>   interface ELProcessor {
>      ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory();
>      void setExpressionFactory(ExpressionFactory ef); // Note 2
>      ELParseContext getELParseContext();
>      void setELParseContext(ELParseContext elpc);
>      ELEvaluationContext getELEvaluationContext();
>      void setELEvaluationContext(ELEvaluationContext elec);
>      ELResolver getELResolver();
>      void setELResolver(ELResolver elr);
>      // May also need getter/setters for function mapper and variables
>      // Add an user defined ELResolver
>      void addELResolver(ELResolver elr);
>      // See note 4 below for BeanLookup
>      void setBeanLookup(BeanLookup blu);
>      ValueExpression createValueExpression(String expression,
>                                            Class expectedType);
>      Object getValue(String expression);
>      Object getValue(String expression,
>                      expectedReturnType);
>      MethodExpression createMethodExpression(String expression,
>                                              Class expectedReturnType,
>                                              Class[] extectedParamTypes);
>      Object invoke(String expression, Object[] params, Class returnType);
>   }

This helps keep the API fairly small (at least the currently discussed
changes). I like having the interface, perhaps having a base abstract
class or something the provides the basic functionality so creating
your own ELProcessor isn't as involved. Such things in a base class
would be create*Expression as well as invoke. If we don't feel like we
gain a whole lot with that approach I'm fine without it, I don't think
this is something a typical user would be doing for every application
they create.

> Notes:
> 1. The life time of ELProcessor instances should be controlled by
>   the application, not EL.  The application can use a single instance
>   of ELProcessor for the entire application, or use an instance of
>   shorter life.  For instance, JSP and JSF applications can use one
>   for application, and one in each of the servlet listeners.

I completely agree with this. How the client ends up using EL, and
it's lifecycle really doesn't need to be in spec. I think this would
also allow more flexibility in how EL is used and could even give it
some application context and life time, both good things.

> 2. I am not sure we need or even should allow setter for ExpressionFactory.

Not really sure this buys us anything either.

> 3. Objects in ELProcessor has the following defaults:
>   a. ExpressionFactory: singleton from ExpressionFactory.newInstance().
>   b. ELParseContext: with null function mapper and variable mapper.
>   c. ELEvalutaionContext: with the default ELResolver, below
>   d. ELResolver: a composite ELResolver, consists of:
>         MapELResolver,
>         ResourceBundleELResolver,
>         ListELResolver,
>         ArrayELResolver,
>         BeanELResolver,
>         BeanNameELResolver (proposed, see below)


> 4. Expressions such as #{foo.bar} will need a way to resolve "foo".  I think
>   bean discovery is the job of the bean containers, and not EL. Therefore I
>   propose the following:
>   interface BeanLookup {
>       Object getBean(String name);
>   }
>   The method ELProcessor.setBeanLookup() let the application or container
>   specify how to lookup a bean with the registered name.
>   As an example, in the servlet listener, EL can be used to evaluate
>   expressions involving an request scope object "foo":
>   ELProcessor elp;
>   elp.setBeanLookup(new BeanLookup {
>       Object getBean(String name) {
>           return request.getAttribute(name);
>       }
>   });
>   elp.getValue("#{foo.bar}");
>   BeanNameELResolver is a (proposed) ELResolver that uses the BeanLookup
>   instance to resolve beans with names.

I like it, it gives us a nice, clean way to add additional resolvers
for simple cases. If we have this, is there a need for the full
ELResolver (besides backwards compatibility)? If we're going to have
a BeanNameELResolver, would it make sense to have a MethodELResolver,
seems like a logic split of the current ELResolver.

> 5. Of course we can also have different ELProcessors with slightly different
>   defaults.  The question is whether we need to specify them in the
>   EL api, or just left as an implementation for the bean container.
>   Ideally, the container should generate the appropiate ELProcessor
> depending
>   on life cycle events of the applications, but that'll require tight
>   coupling between EL and the container.

Seems to me if there could be a broad usage of any other ELProcessor
then it would be appropriate to add them to the spec. What those
ELProcessors might be I'm not sure.

Jason Porter
Real Programmers think better when playing Adventure or Rogue.
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