What is the default mechanism for releasing endpoints?

From: Isart Canyameres <>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 17:37:10 +0100


According to Tyrus user guide:
(...), Tyrus uses one endpoint instance per VM per connected peer.
Therefore one endpoint instance typically handles connections from one
peer. "

To my understanding, this means by default each time a peer connects an
endpoint is instantiatied.
What mechanism is used to release these endpoints?

Thank you,

*Isart Canyameres GiménezSenior Software EngineerSoftware Engineering Group
(SEG)Fundacio i2CAT, Internet i Innovacio Digital a CatalunyaC/ Gran Capita
2-4, Nexus I building, 1st floor, office 10708034 Barcelona, Spain P: +34
93 553 25 23 (Int. Ext.: 523)w3: <>*