Multiple Tyrus standalone clients with Undertow

From: Michał Ćmil <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 09:25:24 +0200


I have a strange issue using the Tyrus standalone client (JDK and the
standard one - I also tried the shared client option) and I wonder if I'm
doing something wrong or its a bug.

My setup consists of 2 Undertow server endpoints on WildFly and 2
standalone Tyrus client endpoints. If I run two client instances (separate
processes on the same machine), I get something similar to a "race
condition". Only the first endpoint of the first client is able to RECEIVE
messages, but every client can send them. I can also see, that the server
endpoints are sending the messages to all clients. I checked the setup
using tcpviewer and both instances are creating their connections.

However If I send a message through the channel before launching another
instance, then everything works. Additionally, everything works fine with
different implementations (JS clients).

I create my endpoint using the getWebSocketContainer method:
Session s = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer().connectToServer(new
new URI("ws://"));
UpdateEndpoint ue = new UpdateEndpoint(ops);
Session us = ContainerProvider.getWebSocketContainer().connectToServer(ue,
new URI(

My dependency:

I would be grateful for any advice on this issue.

Best Regards,