Hello Priya,
you need to be more specific about the usecase you are planning to do.
Websocket-api jar is compiled for use on Java 1.6.
Server-side implementation depends on Servlet 3.1, which is part of Java
EE 7. Client part of the implementation should work on Java EE 6 without
any issues (there is no dependency on other Java EE specs).
I'm not very sure whether I answered your questions, so if I didn't,
please try to describe what you want to achieve.
On 03/04/14 23:52, priyam80us_at_gmail.com wrote:
> Is javax_Websocket_API.jar compatible with JEE6 Environment.
> Will there be any dependency issues while loading classes from
> javax_Websocket_API.jar in an JEE6 runtime Environment.