WebSocket EndPoint Meta Information / WebSocket Supported MIME Types

From: <>
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014 21:51:45 +0000 (UTC)

Basically we are looking at coming up with a WebSocket Test Client to
a.)If the WebSocket EndPoint is active or not.
b.) WS Endpoint is able to receive request and return response.

For Test Client we would like to know how to determine the input
request type to the WS Endpoint.

Does WebSocket support only sending and receiving Text Messages ?

Is there any way to determine the Metadata Information from WebSocket

Most of the samples are dealt with the text messages.

So most of the client ui provides the user to enter an input which the
Websocket client sends it across to the server and posts back the
response it received from the server to the client. The mime types for
most of the request and response is text. Is mime types supported by
websocket restricted to TEXT ?