Re: _at_Inject question

From: Pavel Bucek <>
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2014 22:24:24 +0100

Well, Jersey currently cannot run without HK2, which acts there as
dependency injection container, so @Inject can work. Tyrus does not have
anything like that.

You can store your properties to EndpointConfig (see
EndpointConfig#getUserProperties()). Endpoint config can be then put as
a parameter to @OnOpen method (please have in mind potential
synchronization issues when sharing configuration among several
connections). Overriding getEndpointInstance is also possible solution,
but user properties are simpler to use.

Please let me know whether that worked for you.


On 14/01/14 21:39, Ray Jenkins wrote:
> Hi Pavel,
> Thanks for responding., I don't need @Inject per-se, but I would like
> to be able to pass dependencies into my endpoints somehow, whether by
> constructor or otherwise
> Having a look at TyrusWebSocketEngine it looks like you can only
> register endpoints via
> public void register(Class<?> endpointClass, String contextPath);
> or.
> public void register(ServerEndpointConfig serverConfig, String
> contextPath)
> With these methods it looks like instantiation of endpoints is
> delegated and the only way to override that is to implement
> a ServerEndpointConfig.Configurator and override the public <T> T
> getEndpointInstance(Class<T> endpointClass).
> I am trying to just inject a simple POJO, I'm probably just missing
> something simple, any suggestions?
> Here's the project I'm working on
> @Inject is working for my Jersey resources via the
> GrizzlyHttpContainer and an AbstractBinder. Would be nice to
> accomplish the same or have the ability to pass dependencies into
> ServerEnpoints.
> Thanks,
> Ray
> On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Pavel Bucek <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi Ray,
> @Inject will work only on Java EE container, so Glassfish or
> WebLogic. Grizzly is lightweight container which provides some
> basic http request/response parsing and more low level stuff,
> there is no DI container involved.
> Why do you need @Inject? Isn't there another way how you could
> solve your issue? What are you trying to inject?
> Regards,
> Pavel
> On 14/01/14 16:56,
> <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm looking for a bit of direction in regards to understanding
>> how Tyrus supports javax.inject.Inject. As per the documentation
>> Tyrus
>> provides @Inject support. I'm using Tyrus in Grizzly and I'm
>> making use of an instance of TyrusWebSocketEngine to register my
>> @ServerEndpoint classes and can't seem to get Injection working.
>> Could you point me towards where this is implemented?
>> Thanks,
>> Ray
>> Sent from my iPhone