RE: Will master only be assigned to core members?

From: Huiping Zhang <>
Date: Fri, 7 Oct 2011 07:44:14 -0400


I have latest release. And yes, your answer clarifies what I'm looking for. I have liked that only the CORE members can become master in my applcaition.

Thanks, Huiping

-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Fialli []
Sent: October-06-11 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Will master only be assigned to core members?


Not sure which version of shoal gms that you are asking your question about.

The selection of the master has never taken into account between SPECTATOR and CORE membership.
The first GMS client started attains master status. And keeps it until it stops or dies. Then another member of the group would assume MASTER status, independent if it is core or not.

In GlassFish 3.1.1 and earlier, a new MASTER was selected by taking the lowest member by alphabetical order of the gms instance names. Moving forward, the new MASTER will be selected based on longest running member.

Hope I have answered your question, but feel free to follow up if I have not.


On 10/4/11 7:47 AM, Huiping Zhang wrote:
> Hi,
> In my cluster, if I start only some of the nodes as "core", will the "master" node status only be assigned to one of the "core" members?
> Thanks, Huiping