Re: [Shoal-Users] Does shoal need broadcasting to be enabled in the network of its member?

From: Mohamed Abdelaziz <Mohamed.Abdelaziz_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Sun, 25 May 2008 18:54:00 -0700

Legolas wood wrote:
> Hi
> Is it required to allow broadcasting in the network that shoal members
> operate?
> I mean in the router level, does it need broadcasting to be enabled or not?
ip-multicast is not required in order for shoal to form clusters.
However one of the node must as act as virtual router (more than one
node can take on such role for redundancy and load balancing purposes)
for the cluster which can span the internet, and other cluster members
must point to the virtual node. see JxtaConfigConstants, and
specifically the following properties :

    // specifies if this node is a rendezvous seed peer
    //comma separated list of tcp/http rendezvous seed uri endpoints
