question concerning abstract transport branch MessageImpl.MAX_TOTAL_MESSAGE_LENGTH

From: Joseph Fialli <>
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 2010 11:10:07 -0500


We have found that the default MessageImpl.MAX_TOTAL_MESSAGE_LENGTH is
set to a rather modest size of 8K.
This size is small for a particular use case we have in mind. I was
looking to seek your advice on the advantages
of having the default size so small.

I was considering the following options:

  1. Change the current constant value from 8192 to 64K. // requiring
the least amount of change by potentially having a negative unforeseen

  2. Leave the default as is but make this constant configurable via a
Shoal property that is specified when gms client joins group.

Before I started working on this change, I wanted to understand the
motivation behind the current value.

Thanks in advance for your comments.
