Shoal binaries updated to latest promoted build

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 17:21:36 -0700

Hello all

Shoal 1.1 bits on the Shoal download site have been updated to reflect
the promoted build dated 10/21/2008.

Get the promoted build *here
We have also added a buildable Source and Javadocs zip distribution
corresponding to this promoted build on the download page based on a
community user request.

Changes that went into this build after the previously promoted build
(08202008) are :

    * Fix for sailfin issue 1276
      non-timed wait in getMemberStateViaLWR. Confirmed by running
      developer level test that issue was fixed. Also confirmed on SUSE
      Linux test setup of 10 instance Sailfin cluster
    * Fix for sailfin issue 1119
      <> . Made
      call to getMemberState() reentrant. Documentation on how to use
      this API will be added to the issue.
    * Fix for Sailfin issue 484
      <> With the
      fix, when the master is killed, a new master is elected and that
      master sends out a Join and JoinedAndReady notification for the
      previously killed master.
    * Sailfin Issue 1233
      <> :
      Logging issue
    * 1197 <> :
      Partial fix for memory leak issue portion coming from
      HealthMonitor that caused connection checking on multihomed IPv6
      enabled connections to hang while spawning multiple threads.
    * 1171
      Memory leak when SSR is enabled for st1_3_iptv_reinvite scenario
      solution was to incorporate fix from Sailfin Issue 1128 (see below)
    * 1128 <>:
      Major leak in idle systems
    * 1119 <>
      Partial fix. Need API to get cluster members with their states.
      Added a new api that allows clients to query member state based on
      freshness of the last heartbeat within a threshold time and for
      those beyond the threshold make a network call to the concerned
      member about its health state under a specified timeout.
    * Partial fix for Shoal issue : 79
      DistributedStateCacheImpl not thread safe.
    * Number of other fixes
      that did not have a bug id but based on analysis of test runs from
      project Sailfin's tests.
    * Remove unchecked cast compiler warnings. Make
      ClusterViewManager.masterViewID thread-safe.
    * Fix for sailfin issue 626
      <> in
      ClusterManager.getFailureDetectionTcpRetransmitTimeout. Change
      default timeout from 30 seconds to 10 seconds. Total time it takes
      to detect that a machine with a pulled network cable is now
      approximately 30 seconds. Default glassfish heartbeat is 2 seconds
      with 3 retries. There is a wait of 2 seconds before failure
      verification. There are 2 calls to isConnected() with timeouts of
      10 seconds(fixed this with this change).
    * Issue 1006
      <> : Fix
      for in isConnected() and class CheckConnectionToPeerMachine
      designed to help Shoal detect hardware type failures within a
    * Fix for glassfish issue 5313
      enable specifying which network interface for Shoal to use on
      multihome machines by setting gms-bind-interface-address.
      Documentation on how to set this configured is in glassfish issue
    * Fix for Shoal issue 45
      <> :
      MessageWindow NullPointerException handling GMSMessage

Thanks very much to Sheetal, Joseph Fialli, Mohamed Abdelaziz, Bongjae
Chang, Sailfin and GlassFish Quality Engineers Kazem, Sony and Varun,
and most of all the Shoal community members.