Re: [Shoal-Dev] Strange behavior about join notifications.

From: Shreedhar Ganapathy <Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 10:18:12 -0700

Hi Bongjae
Go ahead and submit these there as soon as you can. You dont have to
wait for review of the second one.


Bongjae Chang wrote:
> Hi Shreedhar.
> Thank you for giving an information about GAP to me.
> GAP is great! :-)
> I want to try to do a GAP submission.
> I opened some issuesin the issue tracker about join notifications.
> and I resolved issue #60
> <>
> and after Sheetalreviewnew changes which I attached today, if those
> changes haveno problems, I will apply those with Sheetal's feedback at
> issue #61.
> Thanks.
> --
> Bongjae Chang
> ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Shreedhar Ganapathy <mailto:Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
> *To:* <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:55 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [Shoal-Dev] Strange behavior about join notifications.
> Hi Bongjae
> Sheetal told me that your fix seems to be working out very well.
> She should shortly be sending her confirmation so that you can
> check in your fix to Shoal repository.
> Have you opened an issue in the issue tracker about this? Bug
> submissions and code contributions are eligible for GlassFish's
> Awards Program which provides a monetary reward for such
> submissions. Of course not all submissions get it but submitting
> it will certainly help qualify for it.
> Once you create the issue, you can then do a GAP submission
> following this doc :
> Or let me know, I will put in a submission for you.
> Thanks
> Shreedhar
> Bongjae Chang wrote:
>> Hi Shreedhar.
>> I attached my patch. Attached files are and
>> In, only /processMasterNodeResponse()/ methodchanged.
>> In, /setMaster( List ,
>> SystemAdvertisement)/and /addToView( List )/ method added newly.
>> I made effortto preserve original logic and codes if possible.
>> Thanks.
>> --
>> Bongjae Chang
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Shreedhar Ganapathy <mailto:Shreedhar.Ganapathy_at_Sun.COM>
>> *To:* <>
>> *Sent:* Thursday, June 05, 2008 11:32 PM
>> *Subject:* Re: [Shoal-Dev] Strange behavior about join
>> notifications.
>> Excellent investigation!
>> Solution sounds reasonably good.
>> Could you send us a patch and we can try it out in our
>> internal test setup?
>> Bongjae Chang wrote:
>>> I reviewed join notification's logic about (b).
>>> /(b) when new member joined, this member don't receive some
>>> members' join notifications.(In other words, this member
>>> receives only own notification and group leader's notification)/
>>> This is normal case. e.g) member "B"'s behavior
>>> 1. When new member("C") joins the group, the group
>>> leader(master) sends MASTERNODERESPONSE to group members
>>> with ADD_EVENT(about "C") and own view's snapshot finally.
>>> 2. Members receive MASTERNODERESPONSE and process
>>> processMasterNodeResponse().
>>> 3. In processMasterNodeResponse(), ADD_EVENT notified with
>>> master view's snapshot by ClusterViewManager.
>>> 4. Then,ViewWindow analyzes the event packet(ADD_EVENT).
>>> 5. Finally, members receive a join notification about new
>>> member(about "C").
>>> But In new memeber("C"), some problem occurred. There is no
>>> logic aboutnotifying other members' ADD_EVENT(about "B")
>>> 1. When new member("C") joins the group, the group
>>> leader(master) sends MASTERNODERESPONSE to group members
>>> with ADD_EVENT and own view's snapshot finally.[same above]
>>> 2. "C" receive MASTERNODERESPONSE and process
>>> processMasterNodeResponse()[same above]
>>> 3. In processMasterNodeResponse(), MASTER_CHANGE_EVENT
>>> notified *without master view's snapshot* because current
>>> master is self.
>>> 4. Then,ViewWindow analyzes the event
>>> packet(MASTER_CHANGE_EVENT). Of course when
>>> ViewWindowreceivesMASTER_CHANGE_EVENT, ViewWindow notifies
>>> join notifications based onview history if previous view
>>> doesn't have any members. Maybe this is the logic for
>>> notifying other members' join notifications in new
>>> member("C"). But *current viewbased onevent
>>> packet(MASTER_CHANGE_EVENT) is not master view
>>> unfortunately*. Current view has only "C"'s local
>>> view(currently only master member and own member added). So
>>> only master's join notification occurred.
>>> 5. In processMasterNodeResponse(), ADD_EVENT notified with
>>> master view's snapshot by ClusterViewManager.[same above]
>>> 6. Then,ViewWindow analyzes the event
>>> packet(ADD_EVENT).[same above]
>>> member("C") receivesown join notification.[same above]
>>> So, I think this problem can be fixed *if
>>> MASTER_CHANGE_EVENT notified with master view's snapshot
>>> *above 3. Then above 4, ViewWindow can find that previous
>>> view doesn't have other members as well as master member.
>>> Andthen above 5, In processMasterNode(), ClusterViewManager
>>> can notifies only ADD_EVENTwithout master view's snapshot
>>> becauseMASTER_CHANGE_EVENT included master view's snapshot
>>> already notified .
>>> Actually, I tried to apply this patch, I could verify
>>> thatthisproblem(b)is resolved.
>>> If this issue(b)is indentified as a bug andmy suggestion
>>> doesn't have a mistake or error logically, I will sendthe
>>> patch code to the dev alias.
>>> Please point out mistakes and I ask you foradvice.
>>> Thanks.
>>> --
>>> Bongjae Chang
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> *From:* Bongjae Chang <>
>>> *To:*
>>> <>
>>> *Sent:* Thursday, June 05, 2008 2:38 PM
>>> *Subject:* [Shoal-Dev] Strange behavior about join
>>> notifications.
>>> Hi.
>>> When I tried to testjoin notifications, I foundsome
>>> problems.
>>> Assuming that "A", "B" and "C"are members in
>>> "TestGroup". Sometimeswhen new memberjoin, this member
>>> can't receive join notifications of others that already
>>> joined.
>>> This scenario is following.
>>> 1. First,"A" joined and became a group leader.
>>> 2. after 1,"B" joined. Then "B" received "A"'s a join
>>> notification and own("C") join notification in "B". No
>>> problem.
>>> 3. after 2,"C" joined. At this time,"C" must receive
>>> "A", "B" and "C" join notifications in "C". But "C"
>>> didn't receive "B"'s a join notification.
>>> Like above, assuming that "A", "B", "C" and "D" are
>>> members in "TestGroup", "D" didn't receive "B" and "C"'s
>>> join notifications.
>>> I think there are some bugs.
>>> (a) above 1, the group leader don't receive own join
>>> notification.
>>> (b) above 3, when new member joined, this member don't
>>> receive some members' join notifications.(In other
>>> words, this member receives only own notification and
>>> group leader's notification)
>>> You can also see this resultfromfollowing logs.
>>> /"A"(the group leader): member
>>> id="6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb"/
>>> /"B": member id="77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921"/
>>> /"C": member id="6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a"/
>>> /When memebers receive a join notification,
>>> "***JoinNotification received: ServerName =
>>> [MY_MEMBER_ID], Signal.getMemberToken() =
>>> [MEMBER_ID]"printed./
>>> ["A"'s log]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:17
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> runSimpleSample
>>> Á¤º¸: Starting SimpleJoinTest....
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:18
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> initializeGMS
>>> Á¤º¸: Initializing Shoal for member:
>>> 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb group:TestGroup
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:18
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> runSimpleSample
>>> Á¤º¸: Registering for group event notifications
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:18
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> runSimpleSample
>>> Á¤º¸: Joining Group TestGroup
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:18
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE15F3706F0E794BF595FCEE9EEA90FCE103
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:18
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : MASTER_CHANGE_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE15F3706F0E794BF595FCEE9EEA90FCE103
>>> 2: MemberId: 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CEC9482BF0C6A44D55B407E7E3A8D1339803
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : ADD_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:44
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest$JoinNotificationCallBack
>>> processNotification
>>> *Á¤º¸: ***JoinNotification received: ServerName =
>>> 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> Signal.getMemberToken() =
>>> 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921
>>> *2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE0F6B7D5CD8CC447180F2D059E273AD5103
>>> 2: MemberId: 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE15F3706F0E794BF595FCEE9EEA90FCE103
>>> 3: MemberId: 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CEC9482BF0C6A44D55B407E7E3A8D1339803
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : ADD_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:03
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest$JoinNotificationCallBack
>>> processNotification
>>> *Á¤º¸: ***JoinNotification received: ServerName =
>>> 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> Signal.getMemberToken() =
>>> 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a*
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> "A"'s log don't have own join
>>> notification(6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb).
>>> ["B"'s log]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:40
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> runSimpleSample
>>> Á¤º¸: Starting SimpleJoinTest....
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:40
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> initializeGMS
>>> Á¤º¸: Initializing Shoal for member:
>>> 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921 group:TestGroup
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:40
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> runSimpleSample
>>> Á¤º¸: Registering for group event notifications
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:40
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> runSimpleSample
>>> Á¤º¸: Joining Group TestGroup
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CEC9482BF0C6A44D55B407E7E3A8D1339803
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : MASTER_CHANGE_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE15F3706F0E794BF595FCEE9EEA90FCE103
>>> 2: MemberId: 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CEC9482BF0C6A44D55B407E7E3A8D1339803
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : MASTER_CHANGE_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest$JoinNotificationCallBack
>>> processNotification
>>> *Á¤º¸: ***JoinNotification received: ServerName =
>>> 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> Signal.getMemberToken() =
>>> 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb
>>> *2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE15F3706F0E794BF595FCEE9EEA90FCE103
>>> 2: MemberId: 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CEC9482BF0C6A44D55B407E7E3A8D1339803
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : ADD_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:41
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest$JoinNotificationCallBack
>>> processNotification
>>> *Á¤º¸: ***JoinNotification received: ServerName =
>>> 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> Signal.getMemberToken() =
>>> 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921
>>> *2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE0F6B7D5CD8CC447180F2D059E273AD5103
>>> 2: MemberId: 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE15F3706F0E794BF595FCEE9EEA90FCE103
>>> 3: MemberId: 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CEC9482BF0C6A44D55B407E7E3A8D1339803
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : ADD_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest$JoinNotificationCallBack
>>> processNotification
>>> *Á¤º¸: ***JoinNotification received: ServerName =
>>> 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> Signal.getMemberToken() =
>>> 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a*
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ["C"'s log]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:59
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> runSimpleSample
>>> Á¤º¸: Starting SimpleJoinTest....
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:59
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> initializeGMS
>>> Á¤º¸: Initializing Shoal for member:
>>> 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a group:TestGroup
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:59
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> runSimpleSample
>>> Á¤º¸: Registering for group event notifications
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:36:59
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest
>>> runSimpleSample
>>> Á¤º¸: Joining Group TestGroup
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE0F6B7D5CD8CC447180F2D059E273AD5103
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : MASTER_CHANGE_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE0F6B7D5CD8CC447180F2D059E273AD5103
>>> 2: MemberId: 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE15F3706F0E794BF595FCEE9EEA90FCE103
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : MASTER_CHANGE_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest$JoinNotificationCallBack
>>> processNotification
>>> *Á¤º¸: ***JoinNotification received: ServerName =
>>> 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a,
>>> Signal.getMemberToken() =
>>> 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb
>>> *2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> getMemberTokens
>>> Á¤º¸: GMS View Change Received for group TestGroup :
>>> Members in view for (before change analysis) are :
>>> 1: MemberId: 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE0F6B7D5CD8CC447180F2D059E273AD5103
>>> 2: MemberId: 6a92713c-d83e-49a8-8aaa-ad12046a1acb,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CE15F3706F0E794BF595FCEE9EEA90FCE103
>>> 3: MemberId: 77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921,
>>> MemberType: CORE, Address:
>>> urn:jxta:uuid-0836778E36C54F728D5B934A965395CEC9482BF0C6A44D55B407E7E3A8D1339803
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> newViewObserved
>>> Á¤º¸: Analyzing new membership snapshot received as part
>>> of event : ADD_EVENT
>>> 2008. 6. 5 ¿ÀÈÄ 1:37:00
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest$JoinNotificationCallBack
>>> processNotification
>>> *Á¤º¸: ***JoinNotification received: ServerName =
>>> 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a,
>>> Signal.getMemberToken() =
>>> 6a8e7161-92ef-4b9e-a5e1-d9a8c7665b4a*
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> "C"'s log don't have "B"'s join
>>> notification(77ff0a1c-b9a1-417a-b04c-0028ef6da921).
>>> And I attacheda simple test code.
>>> PS) When I call GMSFactory.startGMSModule()
>>> withoutpropertiesparam(like null),simple NPE occurred.
>>> The following is exception.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
>>> at
>>> com.sun.enterprise.jxtamgmt.ClusterManager.<init>(
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> at
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest.runSimpleSample(
>>> at
>>> com.sun.enterprise.shoal.jointest.SimpleJoinTest.main(
>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native
>>> Method)
>>> at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown
>>> Source)
>>> at
>>> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown
>>> Source)
>>> at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
>>> at
>>> com.intellij.rt.execution.application.AppMain.main(
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> In
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> /this.bindInterfaceAddress =
>>> (String)props.get(JxtaConfigConstants.BIND_INTERFACE_ADDRESS.toString());/
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Maybe, this is "Fix for the power outage issue"'s
>>> side-effect by sheetalv. :-)
>>> --
>>> Bongjae Chang
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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