glad to see the specification is close to being finalized :-)
Here are some minor corrections for the PDF:
1) page 177 - 14.3 Deployment descriptor still references web-app_3_1.xsd
instead of 4.0
2) page 67 - Examples for X-Powered-By uses Servlet/3.1 instead of 4.0
3) Example deployment descriptors use Servlet 3.1 instead of 4.0, see my
comment on
4) Small issues with links in the spec, see my comment on
5) pages 201, 202 - 14.5 Deployment descriptor examples use XML encoding
ISO-8850-1, I suggest using UTF-8 instead
6) Unordered lists in spec don't have bullet points anymore. Might be
result of the highlighted differences? Eg
- page 5 Additional Sources
- page 6 Other Java Platform Specifications
- page 7 list of RFCs
Best regards,