>> >>>>> On Fri, 7 Aug 2015 08:41:36 +1000, Greg Wilkins <gregw_at_webtide.com> said:
GW> Here is Doug Lea's proposal to include Flows (aka Reactive Streams) in
GW> Java-9:
GW> I've not seen much discussion on its inclusion or not, so currently I'm
GW> assuming it is going in.
On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 5:07 AM, Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com> wrote:
EB> At this point all we can say is that the idea has not yet been rejected
EB> out of hand. Also, we have to remember that the idea's inclusion or
EB> absence in JDK 9 only impacts our design regarding how we resolve our
EB> design with it when we get to Java EE 9 running on Java SE 9. In other
EB> words, we can't use this work directly, but we darn well better play
EB> nice and consistent with it when we get to EE/SE 9.
>>>>> On Thu, 27 Aug 2015 15:57:54 -0700, Wenbo Zhu <wenboz_at_google.com> said:
WZ> +1
WZ> Also on a) congestion control v.s. b) back-pressures ... IMO
WZ> a) protects the network too, and it's almost always hop-by-hop, to avoid
WZ> pushing too much data into the "network"
WZ> b) back-pressure, which I often refer to as (end-to-end) flow control is to
WZ> allow the receiver to notify the send to slow down or stop
WZ> HTTP relies on a) to propagate back-pressures b) as a result of "transport
WZ> coupling" ... but this would be another topic, and we are only concerned by
WZ> the API surface of enabling b).
Right, do you have any concrete ideas of how best to do this, Wenbo?
WZ> The time-performance aspect of blocking APIs (for enabling back-pressures)
WZ> is interesting, but I am not entirely sure how an async API may help,
WZ> without exposing transport-level detail, e.g. .. or is this the idea on
WZ> leveraging HTTP/2 specific facilities?
My understanding of Greg's idea was to actually allow the HTTP/2 flow
control to be the conduit for this kind of information. In high level
terms I see it as, "Hey, HTTP/2 has flow control built into the
protocol. Reactive Streams is all about back-pressure, which is really
very similar to flow control. I wonder if these two facts can be
brought together to deliver some novel value to users of Servlet 4.0."
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