Hello Volunteers,
Can I ask Greg to share again the latest incarnation of his HTTP/2
Server Push proposal? What I presented at GeekOut was a two-pronged
approach [1]:
1. A builder API as Greg proposed
2. A simple requestDispatcher call that does the "synthetic request"
thing, making it trivially easier for frameworks such as JSF to
I would really like to have 2 be available as a degenerate case of 1,
but I'd like to see Greg's latest builder proposal. I've included below
the most recent one I could find but it's very old already and I'm
pretty sure Greg has evolved Jetty beyond that.
If there's no response, I'll just try to carry this one forward.
| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
| 61 Business days til JavaOne 2015
| 76 Business days til DOAG 2015
[1] https://vimeo.com/131394612
>>>>> On Fri, 5 Dec 2014 11:52:01 +0100, Greg Wilkins <gregw_at_intalio.com> said:
GW> I've been working with Push a little bit more and have an alternative
GW> proposal for the API.
GW> I've started work on this, but thought I'd seek some feedback before I
GW> commit too much effort. The idea is that often there will be many
GW> resources to push and that a lot of the work needed to work out headers,
GW> sessions and cookies is common to all the pushes. So we need a new
GW> PushBuilder instance that does all this work once. We would obtain a
GW> PushBuilder from a new method on the request:
GW> /** Get a PushBuilder associated with this request initialized as
GW> follows:<ul>
GW> * <li>The method is initialized to "GET"</li>
GW> * <li>The headers from this request are copied to the Builder, except
GW> for:<ul>
GW> * <li>Conditional headers (eg. If-Modified-Since)
GW> * <li>Range headers
GW> * <li>Expect headers
GW> * <li>Authentication headers
GW> * <li>Referrer headers
GW> * </ul></li>
GW> * <li>If the request was Authenticated, an Authentication header will
GW> * be set with a container generated token that will result in
GW> equivalent
GW> * authentication</li>
GW> * <li>The query string from {_at_link #getQueryString()}
GW> * <li>The {_at_link #getRequestedSessionId()} value, unless at the time
GW> * of the call {_at_link #getSession(boolean)}
GW> * has previously been called to create a new {_at_link HttpSession}, in
GW> * which case the new session ID will be used as the PushBuilders
GW> * requested session ID.</li>
GW> * <li>The source of the requested session id will be the same as for
GW> * this request</li>
GW> * <li>The builders Referer header will be set to {_at_link
GW> #getRequestURL()}
GW> * plus any {_at_link #getQueryString()} </li>
GW> * <li>If {_at_link HttpServletResponse#addCookie(Cookie)} has been called
GW> * on the associated response, then a corresponding Cookie header will
GW> be added
GW> * to the PushBuilder, unless the {_at_link Cookie#getMaxAge()} is <=0, in
GW> which
GW> * case the Cookie will be removed from the builder.</li>
GW> * <li>If this request has has the conditional headers
GW> If-Modified-Since or
GW> * If-None-Match then the {_at_link PushBuilder#isConditional()} header is
GW> set
GW> * to true.
GW> * </ul>
GW> *
GW> * <p>Each call to getPushBuilder() will return a new instance
GW> * of a PushBuilder based off this Request. Any mutations to the
GW> * returned PushBuilder are not reflected on future returns.
GW> * @return A new PushBuilder or null if push is not supported
GW> */
GW> public PushBuilder getPushBuilder()
GW> {
GW> ...
GW> }
GW> The javadoc for that method expands as
GW> Get a PushBuilder associated with this request initialized as follows:
GW> - The method is initialized to "GET"
GW> - The headers from this request are copied to the Builder, except for:
GW> - Conditional headers (eg. If-Modified-Since)
GW> - Range headers
GW> - Expect headers
GW> - Authentication headers
GW> - Referrer headers
GW> - If the request was Authenticated, an Authentication header will be set
GW> with a container generated token that will result in equivalent
GW> authentication
GW> - The query string from getQueryString()
GW> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=jetty-server/src%5C/main%5C/java%3Corg.eclipse.jetty.server%7BRequest.java%E2%98%83Request~getPushBuilder%E2%98%82%E2%98%82getQueryString%E2%98%82>
GW> - The getRequestedSessionId()
GW> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=jetty-server/src%5C/main%5C/java%3Corg.eclipse.jetty.server%7BRequest.java%E2%98%83Request~getPushBuilder%E2%98%82%E2%98%82getRequestedSessionId%E2%98%82>
GW> value, unless at the time of the call getSession(boolean)
GW> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=jetty-server/src%5C/main%5C/java%3Corg.eclipse.jetty.server%7BRequest.java%E2%98%83Request~getPushBuilder%E2%98%82%E2%98%82getSession%E2%98%82boolean>
GW> has previously been called to create a new HttpSession
GW> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=jetty-server/src%5C/main%5C/java%3Corg.eclipse.jetty.server%7BRequest.java%E2%98%83Request~getPushBuilder%E2%98%82HttpSession>,
GW> in which case the new session ID will be used as the PushBuilders requested
GW> session ID.
GW> - The source of the requested session id will be the same as for this
GW> request
GW> - The builders Referer header will be set to getRequestURL()
GW> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=jetty-server/src%5C/main%5C/java%3Corg.eclipse.jetty.server%7BRequest.java%E2%98%83Request~getPushBuilder%E2%98%82%E2%98%82getRequestURL%E2%98%82>
GW> plus any getQueryString()
GW> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=jetty-server/src%5C/main%5C/java%3Corg.eclipse.jetty.server%7BRequest.java%E2%98%83Request~getPushBuilder%E2%98%82%E2%98%82getQueryString%E2%98%82>
GW> - If HttpServletResponse.addCookie(Cookie)
GW> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=jetty-server/src%5C/main%5C/java%3Corg.eclipse.jetty.server%7BRequest.java%E2%98%83Request~getPushBuilder%E2%98%82HttpServletResponse%E2%98%82addCookie%E2%98%82Cookie>
GW> has been called on the associated response, then a corresponding Cookie
GW> header will be added to the PushBuilder, unless the Cookie.getMaxAge()
GW> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=jetty-server/src%5C/main%5C/java%3Corg.eclipse.jetty.server%7BRequest.java%E2%98%83Request~getPushBuilder%E2%98%82Cookie%E2%98%82getMaxAge%E2%98%82>
GW> is <=0, in which case the Cookie will be removed from the builder.
GW> - If this request has has the conditional headers If-Modified-Since or
GW> If-None-Match then the PushBuilder.isConditional()
GW> <eclipse-javadoc:%E2%98%82=jetty-server/src%5C/main%5C/java%3Corg.eclipse.jetty.server%7BRequest.java%E2%98%83Request~getPushBuilder%E2%98%82PushBuilder%E2%98%82isConditional%E2%98%82>
GW> header is set to true.
GW> Each call to getPushBuilder() will return a new instance of a PushBuilder
GW> based off this Request. Any mutations to the returned PushBuilder are not
GW> reflected on future returns.
GW> The PushBuilder itself allows most of the initialisation to be overridden
GW> if need be, but hopefully it wont:
GW> public interface PushBuilder
GW> {
GW> public String getMethod();
GW> public void setMethod(String method);
GW> public Enumeration<String> getHeaderNames();
GW> public String getHeader(String name);
GW> public void setHeader(String name,String value);
GW> public String getQueryString();
GW> public void setQueryString(String query);
GW> public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid();
GW> public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie();
GW> public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromURL();
GW> public String getRequestedSessionId();
GW> public void setRequestedSessionId(String id);
GW> public Cookie[] getCookies();
GW> public void removeCookie(String name);
GW> public void addCookie(Cookie cookie);
GW> public boolean isConditional();
GW> public void setConditional(boolean conditional);
GW> /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
GW> /** Push a resource.
GW> * Push a resource based on the current state of the PushBuilder. If
GW> {_at_link #isConditional()}
GW> * is true and an etag or lastModified value is provided, then an
GW> appropriate conditional header
GW> * will be generated. If an etag and lastModified value are provided
GW> only an If-None-Match header
GW> * will be generated. If the builder has a session ID, then the pushed
GW> request
GW> * will include the session ID either as a Cookie or as a URI parameter
GW> as appropriate. The builders
GW> * query string is merged with any passed query string.
GW> * @param uriInContext The URI within the current context of the
GW> resource to push.
GW> * @param etag The etag for the resource or null if not available
GW> * @param lastModified The last modified date of the resource or null
GW> if not available
GW> * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the method set expects a request
GW> * body (eg POST)
GW> */
GW> void push(String uriInContext,String etag,long lastModified);
GW> }
GW> So normal usage of the push builder should be pretty simple, but it is
GW> flexible if need be. The key aspect of the API is that it separates
GW> out the two phases of customising push request: firstly the customisation
GW> for session, authentication etc that are common to all pushed
GW> requests; secondly each pushed request can be customised with conditional
GW> headers, session URI parameters and query string.
GW> Here is an example usage in Jetty's PushCacheFilter:
GW> // Are there associated resources to push?
GW> if (!primaryResource.getAssociated().isEmpty())
GW> {
GW> // Let's make sure we push them to a valid session
GW> request.getSession(true);
GW> // Is push actually supported?
GW> PushBuilder builder = baseRequest.getPushBuilder();
GW> if (builder!=null)
GW> {
GW> // Yes, lets set a header as a demo
GW> builder.setHeader("Via","Push Example");
GW> // If query strings are not relevant, then clear
GW> if (!isPreservingQueries())
GW> builder.setQueryString(null);
GW> // Push each resource
GW> for (AssociatedResource resource :
GW> primaryResource.getAssociated())
GW> {
GW> builder.push(resource.getURI(),resource.getETag(),resource.getLastModified());
GW> }
GW> }
GW> }
GW> Thoughts?