On 4 February 2015 at 11:24, Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com> wrote:
> <newText>
> If there is a "WEB-INF" entry inside the META-INF/resources entry of a
> JAR file in WEB-INF/lib, it and all child entries must be ignored.
> META-INF/resources is not intended for content that is consumed as
> executable code in the JVM, with the one notable exception of JSP
> files.
> </newText>
> ...
> How's that?
Almost. But I think we need something better than "must be ignored".
I assume that getResource would still be able to access files in
META-INF/resources/WEB-INF ?
The use case for this is that libraries might like to put resource files in
WEB-INF so that they are not static content the default servlet can serve,
but they are still available to libraries (eg a TLD descriptor).
How about something like
If there is a "WEB-INF" entry inside the META-INF/resources entry of a
JAR file in WEB-INF/lib, then it and all child entries are available only
as static
resources. From such a "WEB-INF" entry, no classes or jars will be placed
on the context classpath and no descriptors will be processed.
Greg Wilkins <gregw_at_intalio.com> @ Webtide - *an Intalio subsidiary*
http://eclipse.org/jetty HTTP, SPDY, Websocket server and client that scales
http://www.webtide.com advice and support for jetty and cometd.