> Problems will occur when the new semantics are at odds with how a
> container currently behaves. I think this can be addressed with
> container specific options to restore the old behaviour for those apps
> that have issues.
Either that or simply make it depending on the version="4.0" in the web.xml.
(however this and a lot other version depending features are activated by apps which don't like to have web.xml...)
> On Thursday, 12 February 2015, 13:53, Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org> wrote:
> > On 11/02/2015 06:59, Greg Wilkins wrote:
>> On 11 February 2015 at 01:45, Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org
>> <mailto:markt_at_apache.org>> wrote:
>> HttpSession.markAsDirty(String attributeName)
>> The problem with just adding a new method is that it essentially leaves
>> the undefined behaviour of setAttribute as is. If an application was
>> not calling markAsDirty() then we would not know if that was because it
>> didn't know about the API or was it written expecting some funky
> session
>> that auto detects deep object mutations.
> I addressed this in a different part of the thread (only on users I
> think). We make it explicit that:
> * setAttribute() has an automatic side-effect of calling markAsDirty()
> * setAttribute() when the value is unchanged (i.e. the object being
> passed is the same (read == ) as the object mapped to that attribute)
> is a NO-OP apart from the side-effect of calling markAsDirty()
>> If we really want to fix this, then perhaps we need modal behaviour:
>> either we work in the current ill defined API, where applications are
>> essentially tied to specific session implementations; or we enter a new
>> mode with precise portable cluster semantics - in which case we we may
>> as well use an entirely new API - or extension of the existing API.
>> To repeat myself in a different way, we could have two session
>> mechanisms behind the same JSESSIONID tracking. If you call
>> request.getHttpSession() you get the old ill defined session. If you
>> call request.getDistributedSession() then you'd get the well defined
>> cluster session. You could even call both if you wanted to have some
>> session information held on the node and other in the cluster.
>> I think any attempt to slip good semantics under the existing session
>> API is going to break as many applications as it fixes.
> Problems will occur when the new semantics are at odds with how a
> container currently behaves. I think this can be addressed with
> container specific options to restore the old behaviour for those apps
> that have issues.
> I'd rather clarify the current API and add a few container specific
> options for backwards compatibility than add a whole new API.
> Mark