[servlet-spec users] [jsr369-experts] Re: Re: Re: Question about TLS 1.2 Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension

From: Stuart Douglas <>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 09:33:34 +1100

Greg Wilkins wrote:
> On 16 December 2014 at 15:23, Edward Burns <
> <>> wrote:
> Such missed opportunities are the breeding ground for useful FOSS, such
> as the work on ALPN in Jetty. I know that's cold comfort for the Tomcat
> community, but perhaps Apache HTTPClient cold add support for ALPN?
> Our ALPN extension is open sourced and available for other container to
> use and I know that some are doing so and have even contributed some
> pull requests.

This is the route we have taken. Its not a great solution though because
the version of the jar you need is different for each JDK.

For Wildfly if this is the only option we are probably going to need
some kind of auto download feature in our scripts, that detects the JDK
version and will download the correct ALPN jar if it is not present.

This would be much easier if it was just part of the JDK. Otherwise you
basically have a situation where you can't have a compliant EE8
container with HTTP2 running on a stock SE8 JVM that has not had its
boot class path modified.


> cheers
> --
> Greg Wilkins < <>> @ Webtide
> - /an Intalio subsidiary/
> HTTP, SPDY, Websocket server and client that scales
> advice and support for jetty and cometd.