----- Original Message -----
> From: "Greg Wilkins" <gregw_at_intalio.com>
> To: jsr369-experts_at_servlet-spec.java.net
> Sent: Friday, 12 December, 2014 10:38:57 PM
> Subject: [jsr369-experts] Re: [servlet-spec users] Re: Re: Clarification of threading requirements of section 6.2.3
> On 9 December 2014 at 00:13, Stuart Douglas <stuart.w.douglas_at_gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Basically I am talking about some kind of AsyncContext.delayStart()
> > construct that will not dispatch the task until the current call stack has
> > returned to the container (or just change the semantics of start() to
> > match). This will make sure that only one thread is using the request and
> > response, without needing to resort to synchronization or other thread
> > safety constructs.
> >
> Stuart,
> perhaps we just need another listener or another callback on the
> ServletRequestListener that gives a callback when the dispatch has returned
> to the container and the request is truly suspended?
> We already have onWritePossible and onDataAvailable providing this semantic
> if you are doing asyncIO, so we just need a callback if you are doing pure
> async.
> Apps can then start their async processing from this callback.
This sounds reasonable to me, assuming that we can use a default method on the ServletRequestListener to maintain backwards compatibility (although this will obviously only work with JDK8). I'm also not 100% convinced that ServletRequestListener is the best place for this, AsyncListener seems like it would make more sense, as this callback is only really relevant for async requests.
> But note that it is still not safe to call many request/response methods.
> What should getContextPath return when the request is not in a context and
> the context that suspended it may not be the one indicated by the URI?
I would assume it would return whatever it would have returned just before the request returned to the container, and would only change if the user called dispatch().
> cheers
> --
> Greg Wilkins <gregw_at_intalio.com> @ Webtide - *an Intalio subsidiary*
> http://eclipse.org/jetty HTTP, SPDY, Websocket server and client that scales
> http://www.webtide.com advice and support for jetty and cometd.