[servlet-spec users] [jsr369-experts] Re: Re: HTTP Push, URI and header mutations

From: Greg Wilkins <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 07:44:28 +0100

On 8 December 2014 at 21:42, Edward Burns <> wrote:

> >>>>> On Fri, 5 Dec 2014 11:52:01 +0100, Greg Wilkins <>
> said:
> GW> I've been working with Push a little bit more and have an alternative
> GW> proposal for the API.
> Well, I'm sorry to see the simplicity of the existing API have to give
> way to something that seems to be starting to get quite complex.
> GW> I've started work on this, but thought I'd seek some feedback before I
> GW> commit too much effort. The idea is that often there will be many
> GW> resources to push and that a lot of the work needed to work out
> headers,
> GW> sessions and cookies is common to all the pushes. So we need a new
> GW> PushBuilder instance that does all this work once. We would obtain a
> GW> PushBuilder from a new method on the request:
> GW> /** Get a PushBuilder associated with this request initialized as
> GW> follows:<ul>
> GW> * <li>The method is initialized to "GET"</li>
> If we obtain the PushBuilder from the current request, then why would
> the method not be taken on from the existing request?
Because we cannot push POSTs and PUTs. We can push GETs and HEAD, maybe
even OPTION and these can be pushed in association with a POST (can't think
why a PUT would have push associates).

So just trying to come up with a default that will work with minimal calls
for most situations. Maybe it is initialised to the same method as the
original request, unless that method is not supported by push, in which
case it is initialised to GET.

> [...]
> GW> * <p>Each call to getPushBuilder() will return a new instance
> GW> * of a PushBuilder based off this Request. Any mutations to the
> GW> * returned PushBuilder are not reflected on future returns.
> GW> * @return A new PushBuilder or null if push is not supported
> GW> */
> GW> public PushBuilder getPushBuilder()
> I to prefer the isPushSupported() method. I think calling
> getPushBuilder() should throw IllegalStateException if push is not
> supported.
Sounds like a converging consensus on that.


Greg Wilkins <>  @  Webtide - *an Intalio subsidiary* HTTP, SPDY, Websocket server and client that scales  advice and support for jetty and cometd.