[servlet-spec users] [jsr369-experts] [ADMIN] Please Welcome Martin Mulholland from IBM

From: Edward Burns <>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 08:14:39 -0800

Hello Volunteers,

Please welcome Martin Mulholland from IBM to the Servlet 4.0 Expert
Group. Here is some text from his nomination:

  Martin Martin is currently the Web Tier Architect for IBM WebSphere
  Application Server and recently led addition of Servlet 3.1 support
  for the Liberty profile. He has worked at IBM for over 30 years and
  more recently had roles in servicing WebSphere implementations of
  Servlet 2.5 and Servlet 3.0, and as the WebSphere service release

Martin, if there is anything you want to add, please now's the time!


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