[servlet-spec users] [jsr340-experts] Re: Read/WriteListener throws IOException

From: Greg Wilkins <>
Date: Fri, 17 May 2013 14:08:39 +1000

Sorry for the very late comment on this.

I'm OK with having the IOException in the signature of these callbacks, but
I think we need to specify what the container does with the caught

I'm concerned that if we let users not catch these IO errors then they will
just let them be thrown and take no action to complete the async request

Does the container call onError with the exception and then complete the
async life cycle?


On 15 January 2013 11:59, Shing Wai Chan <> wrote:

> In ReadListener#onDataAvailable, #onAllDataRead and
> WriteListener#onWritePossible,
> it is common to have IO operations.
> With the current API, no exception is in the signature of the above
> methods.
> In this case, developers may need to have a try/catch block inside the
> above methods
> as IOException is probably thrown inside the above methods.
> In this case, I suggest to add "throws IOException" in the above four
> methods.
> And I will leave the #onError methods without "throws IOException" in this
> case.
> Please let me know if there is any comments.
> Shing Wai Chan

Greg Wilkins <>
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