[servlet-spec users] [jsr340-experts] Re: Candidate for Servlet 3.1 Early draft review

From: Greg Wilkins <>
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2012 08:34:46 +1100

On 6 March 2012 20:36, Remy Maucherat <> wrote:

> > Not clear what the time out would be for? Can you clarify more?
> If a connection is idle for a while, it should trigger a timeout.
> Although keeping a socket alive is not that expensive, it is still a
> restricted resource in the OS. It is similar to the timeout support in
> Servlet 3.0 async.

This async IO only takes place on request that is suspended (after
returning after calling startAsync), so there will already be a timeout on
the request, which is the async timeout.

Is there a need for a finer grained timeout? Ie if the AsyncContext has a
timeout of 300s, do we want to have a shorter timeout for idle IO? I can
kind of imagine uses... but if feels too complex for most I think.
