
[jsr369-experts] Re: [servlet-spec users] Re: Re: semantics of metadata-complete

From: Shing Wai Chan <shing.wai.chan_at_oracle.com>
Date: Thu, 01 Oct 2015 17:07:02 -0700

Thanks for your comments.
Since there are similar clarifications in other Java EE 8 spec, I would
like to keep similar terminology.
So I do not plan to introduce new terms, like "discovered" and
"introspected" in this case.
I will list all annotations as in the previous email as suggested by Mark.

      Shing Wai Chan

On 9/30/15, 3:21 PM, Greg Wilkins wrote:
> Forwarding this response from janb_at_webtide.com <mailto:janb_at_webtide.com>:
> It is an excellent idea to clarify the text, as I often find users are
> confused about when and why scanning would take place.
> During the discussion in the jar for Servlet 3.0, we evolved the
> distinction between "introspected" and "discovered" anntotations and I
> think this distinction is helpful to understanding what is going on.
> Suggested text for Section 8.1:
> Annotations can be categorized as "discovered" or "introspected".
> Discovered annotations are: @WebServlet, @WebFilter and @WebListener
> and the web container must scan class files to find them. Other
> annotations covered by this specification as detailed in section 15.5
> and including @HandlesTypes are introspectable, meaning that the web
> container may find them by introspecting the annotated class.
> In a web application, classes using discovered and introspected
> annotations will have their annotations processed only if they are
> located in the WEB-INF/classes directory, or if they are packaged in a
> jar file located in WEB-INF/lib within the application.
> The web application deployment descriptor contains the
> “metadata-complete” attribute on the web-app element. If the
> "metadata-complete" attribute is not specified or is set to "false",
> the deployment tool must examine the class files of the application
> for discovered annotations, and scan for web fragments. If
> “metadata-complete” is set to "true", the deployment tool will ignore
> all discoverable annotations and web fragments, although class
> scanning may still take place if there is one or more
> javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializers on the classpath with
> non-empty @HandlesTypes annotations. The value of "metadata-complete"
> has no effect on introspected annotations which are always processed.
> regards
> Jan
> On 29 September 2015 at 03:10, Shing Wai Chan
> <shing.wai.chan_at_oracle.com <mailto:shing.wai.chan_at_oracle.com>> wrote:
> Then I will add the following before the previous paragraph:
> -----
> The following are the annotations in javax.servlet. All of these have
> corresponding deployment descriptor metadata covered by the Web xsd.
> from javax.servlet.annotation:
> HttpConstraint
> HttpMethodConstraint
> MultipartConfig
> ServletSecurity
> WebFilter
> WebInitParam
> WebListener
> WebServlet
> The following annotations from related packages are also covered
> by the Web descriptor.
> from javax.annotation.*
> PostConstruct
> PreDestroy
> Resource
> Resources
> DeclareRoles
> RunAs
> DataSourceDefinition
> DataSourceDefinitions
> from javax.jms:
> JMSConnectionFactory
> JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition
> JMSConnectionFactoryDefinitions
> JMSDestinationDefinition
> JMSDestinationDefinitions
> from javax.mail:
> MailSessionDefinition
> MailSessionDefinitions
> from javax.interceptor:
> AroundConstruct
> AroundInvoke
> AroundTimeout
> ExcludeClassInterceptors
> ExcludeDefaultInterceptors
> Interceptors
> from javax.jws:
> WebService
> WebMethod
> from javax.persistence:
> PersistenceContext
> PersistenceContexts
> PersistenceUnit
> PersistenceUnits
> from javax.resource:
> AdministeredObjectDefinition
> AdministeredObjectDefinitions
> ConnectionFactoryDefinition
> ConnectionFactoryDefinitions
> from javax.xml.ws <http://javax.xml.ws>:
> WebServiceRef
> WebServiceRefs
> -----
> Shing Wai Chan
> On 9/25/15, 1:37 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 25/09/2015 19:04, Shing Wai Chan wrote:
> Since there are some confusion of precise meaning of
> metadata-complete =
> true
> with regard to annotation scanning, we would like to made
> clearer in our
> spec what
> it means.
> I propose to add the following clarification in Section
> 8.1 of Servlet
> spec:
> -----
> Annotations that do not have equivalents in the deployment
> XSD include
> javax.annotation.annotation.HandlesTypes and all of the
> CDI-related
> annotations,
> and must be processed during annotation scanning.
> -----
> Please let me know if you see any problems.
> Might it be clearer if we explicitly listed all the
> annotations that are
> to be ignored if metadata-complete = true ?
> Mark
> --
> Greg Wilkins <gregw_at_webtide.com <mailto:gregw_at_webtide.com>> CTO
> http://webtide.com