
[jsr369-experts] Re: [servlet-spec users] Re: Re: Re: Question about TLS 1.2 Application-Layer Protocol Negotiation Extension

From: Mark Thomas <markt_at_apache.org>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:41:21 +0000

On 17/12/2014 02:11, Stuart Douglas wrote:
>> I also think there's no such precedent. It must be hard decision for the
>> Java SE team to make such release.
>> My current thinking is that around the time of the release of Servlet
>> 4.0 and its implementations, there may be the official Java SE 9 release
>> with ALPN support.
>> So WAS vendors who don't have own JSSE provider or have difficulty to
>> make their own could resort to it.
> So one thing I am not really clear on is what we are actually going to
> require in Servlet 4 / EE8, in particular:
> - Is HTTP2 a mandatory part of Servlet 4? i.e. you won't be certified
> compliant unless you support it

No answer, but more questions I am afraid.

Same question as Stuart's above, but asking it separately for h2 and h2c.

> - Is SE8 support required for compliance?
> If that is the case you basically have a situation where you can't
> actually be compliant unless you modify the JVM's boot class path (I
> guess you could support HTTP2 over upgrade, but afaik most browsers are
> not planning to implement this).

Given that, do we want to require containers to support h2c?
