>>>>> On Fri, 28 Nov 2014 16:27:11 +1100, Greg Wilkins <gregw_at_intalio.com> said:
GW> Hi all,
GW> I've had a few more thoughts on a HTTP Push API that benefit from a little
GW> more experience and experimentation.
There may be valid reasons for including both jsr369-experts *and* users
in the To: line, but because any mail sent to jsr369-experts is
automatically sent to users, please try to refrain from doing so.
The users list allows the non-JSPA signing public (who by definition
don't care what happens to the IP they create in emails to that list) to
share ideas and comment on what happens in the JSPA-signing
jsr369-experts list. Conscientious EG members will have subscribed to
the users list, so they will see the mails sent to users and they can
cite content from the users list in ongoing discussions on
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